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Mojang漏洞追踪器(也被昵称为Mojira)是报告、记录和追踪Minecraft和其他由Mojang Studios创建的游戏中的所有漏洞的平台。在创建漏洞报告或参与漏洞追踪器之前,请仔细完整地阅读本指导方针。
对于您的漏洞报告,我们仅当它是真正关于一个漏洞时才会接受。漏洞是指游戏中由于游戏代码的问题而未按应有的方式运行的某些行为。因此,它应该是可复现的,而且不是由游戏之外的环境引起的。让漏洞追踪器的关注点位于真正的漏洞上有助于Mojang Studios更快地解决它们。
- Minecraft帐户或付款问题
如果您无法访问您的Minecraft帐户,或者您有付款或购买问题(包括Realm和市场),请联系Minecraft支持。我们无法在漏洞追踪器上对此提供帮助。 - 建议和功能请求
要为Minecraft推荐新功能或发布建议,请在Minecraft官方反馈站点上进行操作或访问社区链接的其中一个。 - 在嗡嗡蜂群更新之前引入的等称问题
要报告等称问题(游戏不同的版之间的差异),请在报告之前先查看官方等称问题指导方针。如果您的报告并不符合里面所述的所有准则,则它应该提交至Minecraft官方反馈站点。 - Minecraft:Java版和Minecraft启动器的翻译问题
漏洞追踪器允许提交原始的“English (US)”语言的问题,因为它们没有包含在社区翻译过程中。 - 常规的网络连接问题(Realm、市场)和身份认证问题
- 尽量少用关键字。搜索引擎只会找到包含全部所查询单词的漏洞报告。例如,请搜索“squid suffocate”而不是“Squid will frequently suffocate for no reason when swimming around in a river”。
- 确认所有单词都拼写正确。
- 尝试使用同义词分别进行多次搜索。例如,“workstation”、“job site”和“profession block”。
- 将您的搜索限制在您要向其报告漏洞的项目里。当前所有的项目及其描述的列表写在了常规漏洞准则段落中。
- 按创建日期对搜索结果进行排序,使最新的漏洞报告排在顶部。依次检查以查看它们中是否有报告描述了您的问题。
- 如果有太多漏洞报告以至于无法很轻松地进行检查,您可以更改排序标准(例如,按投票排序)、进一步优化搜索查询或排除已解决的漏洞报告。但请记住,您正在搜索的问题可能已存在于已解决的报告中。
- Unresolved – 该漏洞尚未修复。在这种情况下,请投票支持该漏洞报告。这有助于我们衡量有多少玩家受到该漏洞的影响。如果您认为还需要补充一些内容,您还可以在该漏洞报告中添加更多信息。
- Awaiting Response – 请查看“Comments”部分以得知该漏洞报告中缺少的内容。您可以在评论中提供此缺失信息以重新打开该报告。
- Duplicate – 请点击“Issue Links”部分中指向其父报告的链接。您的问题已经在该父报告处追踪。
- Fixed – 请找到“Fix version”部分。这是Mojang Studios修复该漏洞的版本。如果您使用的是比该版本更新的版本,且查找不到关于您的问题的另一个更新的报告,则请创建一个新的漏洞报告。如果修复版本是“Future version”,则该漏洞将在尚未向公众发布的版本中修复。
- 其他解决方案 – 请仔细阅读评论(如果有的话),以了解它为什么已被解决。
- 请勿以任何方式冒充他人,例如伪装您的用户名或显示名称。
- 如果您没有任何新内容要添加,请勿对某个漏洞报告发表评论。
- 请勿添加如“me too”或类似于除了说明您遇到了该漏洞之外没有任何进一步的信息的评论。
- 请保持所有评论仅与漏洞本身的信息相关。漏洞追踪器不接受对Mojang Studios、其员工或其他任何人的投诉和批评。
- 漏洞追踪器上不允许出现任何形式的亵渎和少儿不宜的内容。
- 如果您想发起有关漏洞的讨论或需要举报某人,请在漏洞追踪器之外进行讨论(请参阅常见问题解答),不要直接在漏洞追踪器上发表评论。
- 请勿模仿或使用只有helper或moderator才能使用的预先格式化过的回复。
- 附件
- 除非显示的内容与漏洞报告中已经包含的内容有明显不同,否则请勿附加新的屏幕截图。
- 将文件附加到现有漏洞报告时,请发布一个能充当上下文的支持性评论。
- 在评论(或漏洞报告的描述)中嵌入图像时,请确保图像大小不要太大。
重要:如果您的漏洞报告包含您不想公开可见的敏感信息,请将报告的“Security Level”设置为“Private”并明确表示您不希望其公开。
- 如果您发现了该漏洞可能被恶意利用或存在安全问题,请将漏洞报告的“Security Level”设置为“Private”,以便只有您、Mojang Studios员工和漏洞追踪器的moderator才能查看您的漏洞报告。
- 在创建漏洞报告之前,请花些时间检查是否其他人已经报告了该漏洞。请参阅上面有关有效使用搜索的技巧。
- 我们只接受英文书写的漏洞报告;请不要用其他语言创建漏洞报告。
- 请只在每个漏洞报告中报告一个问题。如果您的漏洞报告包含多个漏洞,我们将不会接受您的漏洞报告。
- 如果您正在使用任何模组或第三方工具,请在报告之前检查该问题是否在完全未修改的Minecraft环境中依旧存在。如果不再存在,请将漏洞报告给模组创作者,而不是Mojang Studios。
- 这包括第三方服务端软件,例如Spigot或Paper。
- OptiFine在任何情况下都被认为是一个模组。
- 使用第三方工具打开过的世界也将不受支持。
- 如果您在大型多人服务器(如Hypixel或The Hive)上遇到问题,请在创建漏洞报告之前先联系服务器的工作人员。这些类型的服务器通常运行着Mojang Studios不支持的修改过的服务端软件。
- 请您只有在确定该漏洞在最新版本的游戏中仍然存在时才进行报告。我们不接受除最新版本和最新开发版本之外的其他任何版本的漏洞报告。
- 请将问题报告给正确的项目:
- MC: Minecraft: Java Edition – Windows、Mac和Linux
- MCPE: Minecraft (Bedrock codebase) – Amazon Fire TV、Android、iOS、Nintendo Switch、PlayStation®、Windows 10及更高版本(来自Microsoft商店)和Xbox。
- MCD: Minecraft Dungeons
- MCL: Minecraft Launcher – Minecraft:Java版的启动器和Minecraft Dungeons
- REALMS: Minecraft Realms – Realm管理问题或仅发生在Realm上的问题
- BDS: Bedrock Dedicated Server – 仅发生在基岩版专用服务器上的问题
- WEB: Mojang Web Services – Mojang Studios其中一个网站的问题
- “Labels”是供helper或moderator用于帮助组织漏洞报告的字段。请仅使用现存的标签,不要创建新标签。有关标签如何工作的更多信息,请参阅我们的常见问题解答。
- 在创建漏洞报告后,请注意相关电子邮件或定期检查漏洞报告以获取更新或潜在的进一步诊询。
- 也请谨记各个项目特定的准则。
- 请写一个简洁的摘要,使其清楚地说明问题。避免使用诸如“Help!”、“It doesn't work”、“It’s broken”或“There’s a bug”之类的通用语句,而是使用简短的短语来准确地总结您的问题。尝试思考一下您应该搜索什么才能找到这个问题对写清问题的摘要很有帮助。
- 请在文本中包含能够复现问题的精确步骤。写下您到底做了什么导致了问题出现。如果您不确定,请尝试在一个测试世界中复现该漏洞。对步骤使用数字进行编号,以便其他人可以轻松遵循这些步骤来复现您的问题。
- 列出步骤后,请清楚地说明最后会发生了什么,以及您认为应该发生什么。
- 请在文本中包含发生问题时出现的任何消息(例如,错误消息)的确切文本。
- 请将屏幕截图附加到报告中以便更清楚地展示问题。如果条件允许,您也可以附上一个简短的视频。在某些情况下,提供世界存档(作为ZIP档案)也可能对我们是很有意义的。
- 如果附件文件太大,请将其上传到其他地方并漏洞报告的描述中链接到它或者是将其压缩成一个较小的压缩文件并附加在报告中。
- 如果您的漏洞与某个特定世界相关,例如世界生成、传送门传送、生物群系或结构问题,请确保在文本中包含世界种子和所有相关坐标。
- 不要使用过多的格式(粗体、全大写、大文本、多个空行等)。
- 如果您知道您正在报告的游戏行为在某些情形下被当做了特性,请在漏洞报告的描述中提及这件事。通过这种方式,开发人员可以决定是要保留该行为还是为其添加相应的替代行为。
- 不要急躁。请仔细阅读您的漏洞报告,以确保您没有遗漏任何内容并且所有内容都得到了清楚的解释。
Minecraft: Java Edition[edit]
- 如欲报告崩溃问题,请将崩溃报告附加到漏洞报告中。您可以在.minecraft数据文件夹的“crash-reports”子文件夹中找到崩溃报告。如果没有相关的崩溃报告,请附上启动器日志。
- 如果您想创建一个关于服务端性能问题的漏洞报告,请在报告时包含调试分析文件。您可以使用/debug来创建它们。
- 如果您想创建一个有关客户端性能问题的漏洞报告,请提供有关您的系统规格和有关该性能问题发生情况的详细信息。通常不接受关于常规性能问题的漏洞报告(例如“Minecraft的FPS总是很低”)。
Minecraft (Bedrock) 和Minecraft Dungeons[edit]
- 请始终明确地指定您正在使用的设备(平台)。
- 崩溃日志会被自动收集并报告给Mojang Studios。所以请您只在认为您能提供复现该崩溃的步骤列表时才报告崩溃问题。
Minecraft Realms[edit]
- 请确保Affected Version和Platform相匹配。
- 请在Environment字段中指定您正在使用的设备。
- 请指定您是否是Realm所有者。
- 您也可以搜索对应的主项目(MC或MCPE)以寻找既有的漏洞报告。
- 如果您无法连接到以前能正常工作的Realm,请检查官方Mojang Status以检查是否存任何定期维护或其他连接问题。
Steps to Reproduce:
Observed Results:
Expected Results:
- 示例漏洞报告
注意:如果您点击一个漏洞追踪器并看到页面显示“No issues were found to match your search”,请在左上角定位到Open Issues,然后点击Switch filter旁边的下箭头。然后点击其中一个选项来切换当前的问题过滤器。
What are “Labels” and how should I use them?[edit]
Bug reports are labeled with certain keywords to group them together to make them easier to find. A label can be any word or phrase if it doesn’t contain a space. There are no limits to how many labels a bug report can have.
The “Labels” field is for use by helpers or moderators to help organize bug reports. Don’t create new labels and only use presently existing labels. There are certain rules which labels should follow:
- If something has an ID in the game (like blocks, entities, and items), use that ID without the “minecraft:” prefix as the label (e.g., “glowstone_dust” or “zombie_villager”)
- Prefix the label with a slash (“/”) for commands only (e.g., “/gamerule”)
- Use the “ing” suffix for verbs (e.g., “breeding” or “fishing”)
- No plurals unless it’s the actual name of the element (e.g., “statistics”)
- For everything else, connect words with a dash (e.g., “stronghold-portal”)
Why can’t I log in to the Mojang bug tracker?[edit]
This is most likely to be a result of one of the following scenarios:
- You have not created a JIRA account
You will need to create a separate JIRA account to use the Mojang bug tracker – you cannot log in with your Microsoft or Mojang account. - Your username may have changed
You need to log in with your current JIRA username, not your email address. Please make sure usernames do not contain any personal or contact information. If you have forgotten your login details or think they have been changed by an administrator, you may wish to use the “Can’t access your account?” link on the login page for help accessing your account. - Your account may have been restricted
User accounts may be restricted from accessing the bug tracker if they do not adhere to the Community Standards, or if users do not follow the bug tracker guidelines and direction from Mojang staff, moderators, and helpers.
What account do I need to log in with to use the bug tracker?[edit]
The bug tracker uses a separate account system than Minecraft. You need to create a separate account that is used only for the bug tracker. You can do that here: Sign up for a bug tracker account.
Why do I need to specify my “Full name” when I sign up for an account?[edit]
You do not need to sign up with your real name. The Full name field can be your “Display name”. You can use anything you want, as long as you don’t use inappropriate language or try to impersonate a moderator, helper, or someone else.
Now that I have reported my bug, what should I do?[edit]
Thank you! You should watch for related emails or regularly check the bug report for updates or potential further inquiries. If there are any questions by a helper or moderator in a comment, please answer them.
Also, it’s best to check regularly whether the bug is still in the game and update the bug report accordingly. It is not necessary to check every single version that is released, though.
What happens to my bug report after it is submitted?[edit]
A helper or moderator will review the report to make sure it follows the bug tracker guidelines. The majority of new bug reports are duplicates of issues that have already been reported, while others do not contain enough information to identify or reproduce the issue.
If the report does not follow the guidelines, it will be marked as resolved. If the report is accepted, the helper or moderator may attempt to reproduce the bug using the information provided and if they are able to do so, it will be marked as confirmed. Then, Mojang Studios will look at the bug report and decide when and how they want to fix it.
How long will it take for my bug to be fixed?[edit]
This depends on how severe the issue is, how large the risk of fixing it is, and how much effort is involved in fixing it. In some cases, Mojang may decide that a bug will not be fixed. These bug reports are resolved as “Won’t Fix”.
There is no general rule for how long it will take for your bug to get fixed. Some issues get fixed within a couple of days others may take a long time.
On some projects, bug reports are assigned to certain developers, which can be seen in the Assignee field. This means that the developer is working on the issue, but it does not necessarily imply that the bug will be fixed soon.
For Minecraft: Java Edition, you might also see that a “Mojang Priority” is assigned to the bug report, which indicates how important the bug is to Mojang Studios (more details below).
Why was my bug report resolved, but the problem still happens?[edit]
There are multiple ways in which a bug report can be resolved. On each bug report, you can find its resolution at the top of the page below the status. You can find the meanings of the different resolutions below.
Only the resolution Fixed implies that the bug has been fixed by the developers. If your bug report has a different resolution, read its comments for an explanation for how and why it has been resolved.
Do you have some more tips on how to use the search function?[edit]
Some advanced search tips to try:
- Search terms are reduced to word stems, so for instance if you search for “breeding”, JIRA will also return bug reports which only contain “breed”. To avoid that, surround a word or phrase in double-quotes.
- You can use wildcards such as “enderm?n” (which will catch both “enderman” and “endermen”) or “connect*” (which will match everything starting with “connect”, so “connection”, “connectivity”, etc).
- When using the Quick Search bar in the top right, you can use some shortcuts for searching.
- If the search query contains a project key (e.g., “mcpe”), it only returns bug reports for that project.
- You can also filter by resolutions (e.g., “fixed”) or reporter (e.g., “r:me” returns bug reports reported by you).
- See more information in the JIRA documentation.
- The “Advanced” search looks complicated, but it is very handy if you invest a little time understanding it. Read more about how it works in the JIRA documentation.
I believe my bug report was resolved incorrectly! Where can I appeal?[edit]
You can leave a comment on the resolved bug report. For extra visibility, you can also ask other players and moderators. (See Community Links .)
I want to discuss this issue; can I comment on it?[edit]
If you have any suggestions or extra information to improve a bug report, we encourage commenting on it. The bug tracker is for gathering and organizing information that is helpful to the developers in replicating and fixing bugs.
However, if you want to discuss an issue, for instance, whether you think it should count as a valid bug, or whether it should be fixed or not, take the discussion outside of the bug tracker. (See Community Links.)
What Does Voting for an Issue do?[edit]
By voting for an issue, you show that you are affected by the issue described by the bug report. This way we can estimate roughly how many players in total are affected. Mojang Studios uses this metric among others to decide how urgent a bug is to fix. However, this is not the only relevant criteria.
What are “Labels” for and how should I use them?[edit]
Bug reports are labeled with certain keywords to group them together to make them easier to find. A label can be any word or phrase, but it cannot contain a space. There are no limits as for how many labels a bug report can have.
Every user can create a new label by simply adding it to their own bug report, however, this is discouraged, and you should only add already existing labels to your bug report. In most cases there is no need to add labels to your own report.
There are certain rules which labels should follow:
- If something has an ID in the game (like blocks, entities, and items), use that ID without the “minecraft:” prefix as the label (e.g., “glowstone_dust” or “zombie_villager”)
- Prefix the label with a slash (“/”) for commands only (e.g., “/gamerule”)
- Use the “ing” suffix for verbs (e.g., “breeding” or “fishing”)
- Don’t use plural unless it’s the actual name of the element (e.g., “statistics”)
- For everything else, connect words with a dash (e.g., “stronghold-portal”)
“Confirmation Status”是什么意思?[edit]
“Confirmation Status” is used to document if the bug has been reproduced by someone else. There are four different confirmation statuses:
- Unconfirmed – No one except the reporter has experienced the issue so far.
- Plausible – A helper or moderator has reviewed the bug report but has not yet reproduced the issue.
- Community Consensus – Someone other than the reporter has experienced the issue.
- Confirmed – A helper or moderator has successfully reproduced the issue. Usually, this also requires that a list of steps to replicate the bug is included in the description and that a screenshot or video showcasing the issue is attached.
My attachment’s file size is too large, what should I do?[edit]
You can always upload your attachment somewhere else and simply link to it in your comment or your bug report description.
For videos, often reducing the resolution of your video makes a significant difference in terms of the video’s file size. Also, some file formats produce smaller file sizes than others, for instance, .mp4 files are almost always smaller than .avi files. For most video formats, you can reduce the bitrate as well for extra savings (for reference, YouTube videos at 1080p usually use 10000).
- duplicates – It is a duplicate of the linked bug report.
- is duplicated by – The linked bug report is a duplicate of this bug report.
- relates to – This and the linked bug report are related in some way, e.g., they are very similar to each other or are about the same mechanic or feature of the game.
- clones – This about the same bug as the linked bug report, which has been resolved as fixed before.
- is cloned by – The linked bug report is a newer report about the same bug.
- blocks – The bug in the linked bug report cannot be tested or fixed before this bug report is resolved.
- is blocked by – The linked bug report needs to be resolved before this bug report can be tested or resolved.
- discovered while testing – This bug was discovered while testing the linked bug report.
- testing discovered – While testing this bug, the bug in the linked bug report was discovered.
What does “Mojang Priority” mean?[edit]
“Mojang Priority” is set by Mojang Studios on Minecraft: Java Edition bug reports to document how important it is to them to fix the bug. This also considers how much effort is involved in fixing the bug.
If a bug report has “Mojang Priority” set, it is considered a valid bug by Mojang Studios.
What is the “CHK” field used for?[edit]
In the past, CHK was set whenever a moderator checked a bug report. Today it is set to the date and time when the confirmation status of the bug report was initially changed by a helper or moderator. It is not particularly significant.
I found more than one unresolved bug report that seems to describe the same issue. Which one is the main report?[edit]
If one of the bug reports already has duplicates linked to it (i.e., if there are bug reports listed in the is duplicated by issue links section), that is the one that has been designated as the main report for the issue. Otherwise, the oldest (first reported) bug report is usually preferred unless a later one has more useful detail or has already been confirmed. Remember to only comment if you have new information to add, but still vote for the bug report.
Finally, thank you for taking the time to search, as this helps the moderators to have more time to replicate and confirm bug reports instead of resolving them as duplicates.
What else can I do to help?[edit]
You can look at other people’s bug reports, test them, or try to help improve their bug reports by leaving comments with extra information about the bug at hand. Often the most useful information is a list of steps to reproduce the bug, and a screenshot or clear video if there isn’t one already.
In case a bug report has not been updated by the reporter for a long time, you may also request ownership so you can take over updating the report.
You can also get in touch with other players who frequent the bug tracker through our Community Links, where you can communicate with others who want to help.
Who are the helpers and moderators, what do they do, and how did they become helpers/moderators?[edit]
Helpers and moderators are volunteers. They are not Mojang Studio employees and are normal players of the game, just like you. However, they have helped with organizing bug reports on the bug tracker for a long time, and as such have been chosen by Mojang Studios and the existing moderators.
Helpers can edit any bug report as if it was their own, in order to add additional information about the bug or to clarify wording or an unclear description. They can also update the Confirmation Status.
Moderators can also resolve, link, move, and delete bug reports. They can also remove comments and see private bug reports.
Why can’t I log in to the Mojang bug tracker?[edit]
This is most likely to be a result of one of the following scenarios:
- You have not created a JIRA account
You must create a separate JIRA account to use the Mojang bug tracker; you cannot log in with your Microsoft or Mojang account. - Your username may have changed
You must log in with your current JIRA username, not your email address. Make sure usernames do not contain any personal or contact information. If you have forgotten your login details or think they have been changed by an administrator, you may wish to use the Can’t access your account? link on the login page for help accessing your account. - Your account may have been restricted
User accounts may be restricted from accessing the bug tracker if they do not adhere to the Community Standards, or if users do not follow the bug tracker guidelines and direction from Mojang Studios staff, moderators, and helpers.
What does “Mojira” mean?[edit]
“Mojira” is the nickname of the Mojang bug tracker. The software that the bug tracker uses is called “JIRA” and is made by Atlassian. “Mojira” is a portmanteau of “Mojang” and “JIRA”.
If you still have a question that’s left unanswered, try asking other players directly on our official Minecraft social channels. There are other sites that you might find useful, too, but remember these are external links and are not owned or moderated by the Minecraft team:
- /r/Mojira subreddit
- /r/minecraftsuggestions subreddit