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{{citation |url=https://www.pcgamesn.com/minecraft/minecraft-to-the-last-tree-polish-primeval-forest |title=How Minecraft helped save one of the world's biggest primeval forests |website=PC Games N }}
How Minecraft helped save one of the world's biggest primeval forests — PC Games N
{{citation |url=https://www.pcgamesn.com/minecraft/minecraft-to-the-last-tree-polish-primeval-forest |title=How Minecraft helped save one of the world's biggest primeval forests |website=PC Games N |author=Kirk McKeand |date=2018年1月26日 }}
How Minecraft helped save one of the world's biggest primeval forests ,來自Kirk McKeand。 PC Games N,2018年1月26日。
{{citation |url=https://www.pcgamesn.com/minecraft/minecraft-to-the-last-tree-polish-primeval-forest |title=How Minecraft helped save one of the world's biggest primeval forests |website=PC Games N |dead-link=true }}
How Minecraft helped save one of the world's biggest primeval forests(失效連結) — PC Games N
{{citation |url=http://web.archive.org/web/20180510040828/https://www.pcgamesn.com/minecraft/minecraft-to-the-last-tree-polish-primeval-forest |title=How Minecraft helped save one of the world's biggest primeval forests |website=PC Games N }}
How Minecraft helped save one of the world's biggest primeval forests(存檔) — PC Games N
{{citation |url=https://www.pcgamesn.com/minecraft/minecraft-to-the-last-tree-polish-primeval-forest |title=How Minecraft helped save one of the world's biggest primeval forests |website=PC Games N |archive-url=http://web.archive.org/web/20180510040828/https://www.pcgamesn.com/minecraft/minecraft-to-the-last-tree-polish-primeval-forest }}
How Minecraft helped save one of the world's biggest primeval forests (存檔) — PC Games N