模板:Sound table/doc

這是文件頁面,它應該被放置到Template:Sound table,檢視Template:Documentation以取得更多資訊。


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Parameter Function
nocat Stops table from inserting categories, if defined has to be defined in the first call.
sound The sound, set to "-" if none in this event.
sound2 - sound20 Additional sounds.
source The sound category (slider in the sounds menu).
description When the sound plays. Defaults to the subtitle, if it is provided.
id The sound event/namespaced ID (code formatting automatically added).
volume The volume the game plays this sound event at.
pitch The pitch the game plays this sound event at.
distance The attenuation distance the game plays this sound event at.
soundvolume The volume per-sound as defined in sounds.json or sound_definitions.json.
soundpitch The pitch per-sound as defined in sounds.json or sound_definitions.json.
sounddistance The attenuation distance per-sound as defined in sounds.json or sound_definitions.json.
soundstream The stream value per-sound as defined in sounds.json or sound_definitions.json.
soundpreload The preload/load-on-low-memory value per-sound as defined in sounds.json or sound_definitions.json.
foot Inserting the table end, always has to be defined in the last call.
