


2013年1月7日1.0.0 Beta 0史詩級的失敗證明了概念版本無法正常運作
2013年2月4日1.0.0 Beta 1發佈了第一個版本1.0.0 Beta1
1.0.0 Beta 2加入了震動支援
1.0.0 Beta 3支援了選項功能-重新製作了選項介面使得翻譯更加容易
順帶支援了Xperia Play
1.0.0 Beta 4加入了所有的選項(除了靈敏度)
2013年2月10日1.0.0 Beta 5加入了新的簡體中文翻譯(由jiayong620提供)
Patches the version number of Minecraft to read ">9000!" for teh lolz
Added a Nerdy Stuff page with a button to dump libminecraftpe.so from RAM to compare differences against the copy stored on disk. Not useful for anybody except for debugging.
2013年2月17日1.0 Beta 6補丁!耶!
2013年2月18日1.0 Beta 7內建了RepetiCraft材質包來演示材質包變更功能,並為Jelly Bean使用者提供了一些紋理
為了在 Android 4.1版本上的互操作性而加入了兩個mojang檔案 - font/default8.png 和 lang/en_US.lang . 【卓偉:請不要起訴我.】
1.0 Beta 8如有要求,可僅多載補丁
2013年2月20日1.0 RC1加入了關於介面
首次在Google Play上發佈
2013年3月3日1.0.1 Beta 1概念性驗證了外掛的載入
1.0.1 Beta 1 quick version發佈了一個針對1.0.1 Beta 1的熱修復。
2013年3月4日1.0.1 Beta 1+(1/∞)修復了Gingerbread上的實時補丁
2013年3月9日1.0.1 Beta 1+(2/∞)發佈了一個新的搶鮮版。
2013年3月11日1.0.1切實的在Android 4.1版本上加入了回退材質包功能
2013年3月19日1.0.2 Beta 1加入了從檔案管理器中匯入補丁的功能 - 點擊一個 mod 檔案並載入它!
當載入或移除一個外掛後自動重啟 MCPELauncher
修復了在 Android4.1 版本上使用內建材質時出現的問題
1.0.2 Beta 1+(1/∞)發佈了一個新的搶鮮版。
1.0.2 Beta 1+(2/∞)讓我們假裝這種更新的狂潮從未發生過
2013年3月24日1.0.4 Beta 1Enable/disable option in patch screen
automatically pulls in patches from PocketTool's patches dir
Added new translation by Koongchi
App now targets API 17 (Jelly Bean), and now gets the Holo theme
2013年3月26日1.0.4 Beta 2Experimental in-game patch manager: enable the hovercar via Options -> enable in game patch manager
Trying Snowbound's suggestion of using BlockLauncher for the name
1.0.4 Beta 2 reupload發佈了一個針對1.0.4 Beta 2的熱修復。
2013年3月28日1.0.4 RCSkin support
sensitivity option added
Finished transition to BlockLauncher name
2013年3月32日1.0.4Added new translation by Koongchi
1.0.5 Beta 1Added manage addons screen
2013年4月2日1.0.5FINALLY! a screen to uninstall addons
Fixed Jelly Bean devices unable to erase text in sign edit screen
Added new translation by @minecrafting_er
2013年4月6日1.0.6 Beta 1發佈了一個新的搶鮮版。
2013年4月12日1.0.6Added an intro screen for first-time users
Added a "show information" button to the patch management screen
Added new translations by MineeFann and @minecrafting_er
Reorganized the options menu
2013年4月28日1.0.7 Beta 1Fixed "Quit and Copy Worlds" button in Multiplayer not working
Added icon to Hovercar
hopefully fixed the change skin intent
Added new translations by jiayong and Insane96MCP
deleting mods in Live Patching works now
Enable/disabling texture packs now 10x faster
2013年4月29日1.0.7 RC發佈了一個新的發佈候選。
1.0.7Added a new Spanish translation by Mine_Nick95
Virtual menu key support enabled again
detect Minecraft version changes and go into safe mode or repatch - now fully compatible with PocketTool and QuickPatch
2013年5月12日1.0.8 Beta 1Enabled reverse landscape mode. Thanks, snowbound!
Added an updated Korean translation by Koongchi123
2013年6月6日1.1 Beta 0The first beta that barely works with 0.7.0
patching features moved into the Hovercar
1.1 Beta 1In the last release, I accidentally some code, so I fixed that.
Updated language file in the built-in texture pack
Better hovercar
Notice for people who need to re-extract texture pack and for the currently not working Realms page
2013年6月7日1.1Misc. fixes
2013年6月8日1.1.1Updated for Minecraft PE 0.7.1
2013年6月13日1.1.2Added new translations by Mine_Nick95 and Koongchi
Added option to hide in-game patch manager button
Added experimental Minecraft Realms support
2013年6月17日1.1.3 Beta 1HIGHLY experimental Amazon support
2013年6月20日1.1.3 Beta 2發佈了一個新的搶鮮版。
1.1.3Amazon support
Don't crash when patching a zero-length invalid patch
For the Play Pro release: ability to redirect Realms to Shoghicp's server list
2013年6月29日1.1.4 Beta 1發佈了一個新的搶鮮版。
2013年7月5日1.2Minecraft PE 0.7.2 support
2013年7月6日1.2.1 Beta 1Attempted fix to the keyboard problem. Didn't work.
2013年7月8日1.2.1 Beta 2Keyboard Fix: Electric Boogaloo. Use the SHOW_FORCED flag to force the keyboard to show.
Realms login fix on Gingerbread devices.
1.2.1Hide the keyboard when exiting
2013年7月9日1.2.2Release pulled within an hour due to a bug
1.2.3Added Minecraft 0.7.1 support again due to popular demand
Enable large heap in Pro
2013年7月22日1.2.4Pro only
Replaced built-in texture pack with a modified version of NathanX's Slickcraft
Server List to keep track of common servers
Added support for mcpe-server URIs to add servers to the list by clicking on a link in webpages.
2013年7月23日1.2.5Pro only
Added ability to patch servers running on an alternate port
Removed parts of the anti-backup code, which is malfunctioning on Gingerbread
2013年7月30日1.2.6 Beta 1Support for Android 4.3
Some work on ModScript support
2013年7月31日1.2.6Turned off the incomplete ModScript stuff as it crashes on Gingerbread
Added new Russian translation by MelomanCool
2013年8月1日1.2.7 Beta 1Preliminary ModPE Script support
2013年8月2日1.2.7 Beta 2Implemented more methods and callbacks from the released version of Treebl's ModPE script runtime
1.2.7 Beta 3Ever moar methods implemented in the ModPE Script runtime
1.2.7 Beta 4One MOAR method implemented in the ModPE script runtime
Added logging to track down a crash
1.2.7 Beta 5Fixed crash when tapping a block with bare hands
1.2.7 Beta 6Added ability to import script from any URL
print() calls from ModPE now displayed as Toasts
1.2.7 Beta 7Pass in the proper blockId in the ModPE right click hook
2013年8月3日1.2.7 Beta 8Pulled due to crashes
1.2.7 Beta 8.1Support for Mod PE Script 0.2
Support for setVel* methods
One crapton more logging
1.2.7 Beta 9Support for some future ModPE Script methods: tick hook (calls bl_tickHook), and passing in a side parameter on interaction.
2013年8月4日1.2.7 RC1Disable ModPE scripts in a multiplayer world to prevent crashing
1.2.7Show warning message when importing scripts on Minecraft 0.7.1

2013年1月6日,發佈了第一個版本1.0.0 Beta 0。

2013年2月16日 (1.0 Beta 6:),免費版本將補丁載入數限制為3個,並不會支援紋理包或IP補丁。

2月21日(1.0),NathanX加入了一個新的超棒圖示,並首次在Google Play發佈BlockLauncher。

3月10日(1.0.1),為本機外掛(native addons)加入了「啟用實驗性外掛支援(enable experimental addon support)」選項

3月18日(1.0.2beta1),支援從檔案管理器匯入補丁-只需點擊一個.mod檔案匯入它!安裝或卸載addon會自動重啟BlockLauncher(Automatically restart MCPELauncher after installing/removing an addon)。


7月29日(1.2.6 Beta 1),

-支援在Android 4.3執行;

-一些關於ModScript支援的工作( Some work on ModScript support)。

7月30日(1.2.6),關閉了不完整的ModScript檔案,因為它在Gingerbread上崩潰了(Turned off the incomplete ModScript stuff as it crashes on Gingerbread)。

7月31日(1.2.7beta1),初步完成了對ModPE script的支援。

8月2日(1.2.7 Beta 8.1)支援 Mod PE Script 0.2

8月4日(1.2.7),在Minecraft攜帶版 0.7.1上匯入script時顯示警告訊息。

8月5日(1.2.8),支援ModPE Script 0.3



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Support for Minecraft PE 0.7.3

Removed support for Minecraft PE 0.7.1 and 0.7.2

Added partial support for new ModPE script methods

Added updated translation by KsyMC


What's New

Added support for HP Slate 7, Hisense Sero Lite 7, and other Rockchip devices

ModPE scripts can now define custom blocks (thanks, MrARM and Byteandahalf)

Item descriptions are now correctly shown in ModPE

ModPE scripts can now control sneaking

Added new translations by Kmcpe, PEmapmodder, MelomanCool, VasuZ, and Michal16


Added updated translations by michal16 and VasuZ

Updated the Blocks API for Minecraft PE 0.8.1

Skins now support the hat layer (like Desktop Edition)

Now supports ModPE scripts written in CoffeeScript


Added updated translations by sevenone71, jose-vm, and HellPie.

ModPE scripts can now create custom mob models

Mobs now have a unique id that stays the same after the world is saved and opened

ModPE scripts can now get the render shape of blocks - thanks to Byteandahalf


Added capes in multiplayer: go to Launcher Options -> Upload Skins for Multiplayer to upload

Fix setNameTag

Fix navigation bar not disappearing after keyboard closes in immersive mode


Skin improvements:

- hat layers are now supported

- hand in first person now matches your skin

- capes no longer get larger when armour is used

Unfortunately, if you uploaded a skin after February 3rd, you will need to re-upload it.

Some new ModPE methods for:

-accessing texture pack data

-rendering an item as a tool

-modifying mob spawners


Support for Minecraft PE 0.13.

Custom blocks can respond to redstone currents

Fix custom food and armour items

Fix crash with transparent model parts in entity renderer

Fix crash when custom block added to creative inventory

Various other fixes

Sorry for the delay!

Known issues:

- Android 6.0 (Marshmallow) and Intel Atom devices (Zenfone, Hudl2) aren't supported yet

Please report issues to https://github.com/zhuowei/MCPELauncher/issues .


Please report issues to https://github.com/zhuowei/MCPELauncher/issues

Add custom throwables (reskinned snowballs)

Fix crash when removing currently held item in useItem hook

Fix showTipMessage

Add new replace texture intent for other applications to remove all existing texture packs and import a new one

Known issue: custom armours crashes on Intel devices such as Zenfone 2


Support for Minecraft PE 0.15.7


fix dropping custom items; add ModPE.getOS


Fix custom armour textures

Support for extended custom block IDs (up to 4095)

Support for Samsung Galaxy S7 devices running Android 7.0


Support for Minecraft 1.2.10

Add Entity.get/setOffhandSlot


Support for Minecraft beta


Unlock Mojang scripting API on Minecraft 1.11.0 beta.

ModPE scripts aren't supported on Minecraft 1.11 yet - we're working on it.


Support for Minecraft 1.10.0


Support for Minecraft 1.11.1


Support for Minecraft 1.12.0

Fix crash when projectile hits target (thanks Minecraft_Pro4)


Support for Minecraft


What's New


Support for Minecraft PE 0.7.3

Removed support for Minecraft PE 0.7.1 and 0.7.2

Added partial support for new ModPE script methods

Added updated translation by KsyMC


Added new ModPE methods - thanks to byteandahalf and kmcpe

Changed custom recipes API: scripts will need to be updated

Turned off server identification to fix local multiplayer disconnection

Reduced crashing - thanks to stalker_2010


Added updated translations by sevenone71, jose-vm, and HellPie.

ModPE scripts can now create custom mob models

Mobs now have a unique id that stays the same after the world is saved and opened

ModPE scripts can now get the render shape of blocks - thanks to Byteandahalf


Added capes in multiplayer: go to https://blskins.herokuapp.com to upload a cape

Fix setNameTag

Fix navigation bar not disappearing after keyboard is hidden in immersive mode


Skin improvements:

- hat layers are now supported

- hand in first person now matches your skin

- capes no longer get larger when armour is used

Unfortunately, if you uploaded a skin after February 3rd, you will need to re-upload it.

Some new ModPE methods for:

-accessing texture pack data

-rendering an item as a tool

-modifying mob spawners


THIS VERSION OF BLOCKLAUNCHER REQUIRES MINECRAFT PE 0.11.1. Please upgrade your MCPE to the latest version.

Fix importing texture packs from external applications

setAnimalAge can now be used on zombies, skeletons and pigmen

Added experimental screen recorder powered by Kamcord

Added experimental controller support

Addon authors: see https://gist.github.com/zhuowei/0ddd4cecc6b1f98d65c0


Support for Minecraft PE 0.13.

Custom blocks can respond to redstone currents

Fix custom food and armour items

Fix crash with transparent model parts in entity renderer

Fix crash when custom block added to creative inventory

Various other fixes

Sorry for the delay!

Known issues:

- Android 6.0 (Marshmallow) and Intel Atom devices (Zenfone, Hudl2) aren't supported yet

Please report issues to https://github.com/zhuowei/MCPELauncher/issues .


Please report issues to https://github.com/zhuowei/MCPELauncher/issues

Add Item.getMaxStackSize, playerAddExpHook, playerExpLevelChangeHook, entityHurtHook, Item.internal/translatedNameToId

Fix crash when breaking block

Fix getTextureCoords not working with item IDs larger than 512

Fix leaveGame

Fix ModPE.openInputStreamFromTexturePack returning null when importing ModPkg

Document which hooks support preventDefault


Please report issues to https://github.com/zhuowei/MCPELauncher/issues

Add custom throwables (reskinned snowballs)

Fix crash when removing currently held item in useItem hook

Fix showTipMessage

Add new replace texture intent for other applications to remove all existing texture packs and import a new one

Known issue: custom armours crashes on Intel devices such as Zenfone 2


Fix crash when closing horse inventory

Fix Windows 10 GUI: thanks, KsyMC


Support for Minecraft PE 0.15.9


Fix custom armour textures

Support for extended custom block IDs (up to 4095)

Support for Samsung Galaxy S7 devices running Android 7.0


Enable extended block IDs and multiplayer in 1.1.3

Fix crash after exiting and re-entering world with custom item


Unlock Mojang scripting API on Minecraft 1.11.0 beta.

ModPE scripts aren't supported on Minecraft 1.11 yet - we're working on it.


Support for Minecraft 1.10.0


Support for Minecraft 1.11.1


Support for Minecraft