



名稱 型別 可用性 實驗性玩法 走出實驗模組版本
MoonPhaseCount Number 8 可用 搶鮮版API Holds the number of MoonPhases
TicksPerDay Number 24000 可用 搶鮮版API
TicksPerSecond Number 20 可用 搶鮮版API How many times the server ticks per second of real time.


名稱 型別 可用性 實驗性玩法 走出實驗模組版本
system System 可用 N/A N/A A class that provides system-level events and functions.
world World 可用 N/A N/A A class that wraps the state of a world - a set of dimensions and the environment of Minecraft.


名稱 可用性 實驗性玩法 走出實驗模組版本
BlockComponentTypes 可用 搶鮮版API
BlockVolumeIntersection 可用 搶鮮版API Description of the resulting intersection test on two BlockVolume objects
CompoundBlockVolumeAction 可用 搶鮮版API The Action enum determines how the CompoundBlockVolume considers the associated CompoundBlockVolumeItem when performing inside/outside calculations.
CompoundBlockVolumePositionRelativity 可用 搶鮮版API An enum describing the relativity of the CompoundBlockVolumeItem, relative to the parent CompoundVolume.
Difficulty 可用 搶鮮版API
Direction 可用 搶鮮版API 通用列舉之一。
DisplaySlotId 可用 搶鮮版API 表示計分板分數的顯示方式。
DyeColor 可用 搶鮮版API Specifies different colors for use as dye.
EasingType 可用 搶鮮版API
EntityComponentTypes 可用 搶鮮版API
EntityDamageCause 可用 搶鮮版API Describes the source of damage from an Entity.
EntityInitializationCause 可用 搶鮮版API An enumeration describing initialization cause of an entity.
EntityLifetimeState 可用 搶鮮版API Describes the lifetime state of an Entity.
EquipmentSlot 可用 搶鮮版API The equipment slot of the mob.
FluidType 可用 搶鮮版API Represents the type of fluid for use within a fluid containing block, like a cauldron.
GameMode 可用 搶鮮版API Represents a game mode for the current world experience.
ItemComponentTypes 可用 搶鮮版API
ItemLockMode 可用 搶鮮版API Describes how an an item can be moved within a container.
MoonPhase 可用 搶鮮版API Enum containing the different phases of the moon based on the current day.,Obtain the current MoonPhase using world.getMoonPhase.
ObjectiveSortOrder 可用 搶鮮版API 表示分數持有者列表的排序順序。
ScoreboardIdentityType 可用 搶鮮版API 表示分數持有者的型別。
ScriptEventSource 可用 搶鮮版API Describes where the script event originated from.
SignSide 可用 搶鮮版API Represents a side of a sign.
TimeOfDay 可用 搶鮮版API Provides numeric values for common periods in the Minecraft day.
WatchdogTerminateReason 可用 搶鮮版API An enumeration with the reason that a watchdog is deciding to terminate execution of a behavior packs' script.
WeatherType 可用 搶鮮版API Used to specify the type of weather condition within the world.



名稱 可用性 實驗性玩法 走出實驗模組版本
Block 可用 搶鮮版API Represents a block in a dimension.
BlockAreaSize 可用 搶鮮版API Holds information for expressing the net size of a volume of blocks.
BlockComponent 可用 搶鮮版API Base type for components associated with blocks.
BlockEvent 可用 搶鮮版API Contains information regarding an event that impacts a specific block.
BlockExplodeAfterEvent 可用 搶鮮版API Contains information regarding an explosion that has occurred for a specific block.
BlockExplodeAfterEventSignal 可用 搶鮮版API Manages callbacks that are connected to when an explosion occurs, as it impacts individual blocks.
BlockInventoryComponent 可用 搶鮮版API Represents the inventory of a block in the world.
BlockLavaContainerComponent 可用 搶鮮版API Represents a fluid container block that currently contains lava.
BlockLiquidContainerComponent 可用 搶鮮版API For blocks that can contain a liquid (e.g., a cauldron), this is a base component for liquid containers.
BlockLocationIterator 可用 搶鮮版API A BlockLocationIterator returns the next block location of the block volume across which it is iterating.
BlockPermutation 可用 搶鮮版API Contains the combination of type BlockType and properties (also sometimes called block state) which describe a block (but does not belong to a specific {@link * Block}).
BlockPistonComponent 可用 搶鮮版API When present, this block has piston-like behavior.
BlockPotionContainerComponent 可用 搶鮮版API Represents a fluid container block that currently contains a potion.
BlockRecordPlayerComponent 可用 搶鮮版API Represents a block that can play a record.
BlockSignComponent 可用 搶鮮版API Represents a block that can display text on it.
BlockSnowContainerComponent 可用 搶鮮版API Represents a fluid container block that currently contains snow.
BlockStates 可用 搶鮮版API Enumerates all BlockStateTypes.
BlockStateType 可用 搶鮮版API Represents a configurable state value of a block instance.
BlockType 可用 搶鮮版API The type (or template) of a block.
BlockTypes 可用 搶鮮版API Contains a catalog of Minecraft Block Types that are available in this world.
BlockVolumeUtils 可用 搶鮮版API Block Volume Utils is a utility class that provides a number of useful functions for the creation and utility of @minecraft-server.BlockVolume objects
BlockWaterContainerComponent 可用 搶鮮版API Represents a fluid container block that currently contains water.
BoundingBoxUtils 可用 搶鮮版API Bounding Box Utils is a utility class that provides a number of useful functions for the creation and utility of @minecraft-server.BoundingBox objects
ButtonPushAfterEvent 可用 搶鮮版API Contains information related to changes to a button push.
ButtonPushAfterEventSignal 可用 搶鮮版API Manages callbacks that are connected to when a button is pushed.
Camera 可用 搶鮮版API Contains methods relating to the active camera for the specified player.
ChatSendAfterEvent 可用 搶鮮版API An event that fires as players enter chat messages.
ChatSendAfterEventSignal 可用 搶鮮版API Manages callbacks that are connected to chat messages being sent.
ChatSendBeforeEvent 可用 搶鮮版API An event that fires as players enter chat messages.
ChatSendBeforeEventSignal 可用 搶鮮版API Manages callbacks that are connected to an event that fires before chat messages are sent.
CommandResult 可用 N/A N/A Contains return data on the result of a command execution.
Component 可用 搶鮮版API Base class for downstream Component implementations.
CompoundBlockVolume 可用 搶鮮版API The Compound Block Volume is a collection of individual block volume definitions which, as a collection, define a larger volume of (sometimes non-contiguous) irregular shapes.
Container 可用 搶鮮版API Represents a container that can hold sets of items.
ContainerSlot 可用 搶鮮版API Represents a slot within a broader container (e.g., entity inventory.)
DataDrivenEntityTriggerAfterEvent 可用 搶鮮版API Contains information related to firing of a data driven entity event - for example, the minecraft:ageable_grow_up event on a chicken.
DataDrivenEntityTriggerAfterEventSignal 可用 搶鮮版API Contains event registration related to firing of a data driven entity event - for example, the minecraft:ageable_grow_up event on a chicken.
DataDrivenEntityTriggerBeforeEvent 可用 搶鮮版API Contains information related to firing of a data driven entity event - for example, the minecraft:ageable_grow_up event on a chicken.
DataDrivenEntityTriggerBeforeEventSignal 可用 搶鮮版API Contains information related to firing of a data driven entity event - for example, the minecraft:ageable_grow_up event on a chicken.
DefinitionModifier 可用 搶鮮版API Contains a set of updates to the component definition state of an entity.
Dimension 可用 N/A N/A A class that represents a particular dimension (e.g., The End) within a world.
DimensionType 可用 搶鮮版API Represents a type of dimension.
DimensionTypes 可用 搶鮮版API Used for accessing all available dimension types.
Effect 可用 搶鮮版API Represents an effect - like poison - that has been added to an Entity.
EffectAddAfterEvent 可用 搶鮮版API Contains information related to changes to an effect - like poison - being added to an entity.
EffectAddAfterEventSignal 可用 搶鮮版API Manages callbacks that are connected to when an effect is added to an entity.
EffectAddBeforeEvent 可用 搶鮮版API Contains information related to changes to an effect - like poison - being added to an entity.
EffectAddBeforeEventSignal 可用 搶鮮版API Manages callbacks that are connected to when an effect is added to an entity.
EffectType 可用 搶鮮版API Represents a type of effect - like poison - that can be applied to an entity.
EffectTypes 可用 搶鮮版API Represents a type of effect - like poison - that can be applied to an entity.
Enchantment 可用 搶鮮版API This class represents a specific leveled enchantment that is applied to an item.
EnchantmentList 可用 搶鮮版API This class represents a collection of enchantments that can be applied to an item.
EnchantmentSlot 可用 搶鮮版API This enum represents the item slot or type that an enchantment can be applied to.
EnchantmentType 可用 搶鮮版API Contains information on a type of enchantment.
EnchantmentTypes 可用 搶鮮版API Provides a list of enchantment types.
Entity 可用 N/A N/A Represents the state of an entity (a mob, the player, or other moving objects like minecarts) in the world.
EntityAddRiderComponent 可用 搶鮮版API When added, this component makes the entity spawn with a rider of the specified entityType.
EntityAgeableComponent 可用 搶鮮版API Adds a timer for the entity to grow up.
EntityAttributeComponent 可用 搶鮮版API This is a base abstract class for any entity component that centers around a number and can have a minimum, maximum, and default defined value.
EntityBaseMovementComponent 可用 搶鮮版API Base class for a family of entity movement events.
EntityBreathableComponent 可用 搶鮮版API Defines what blocks this entity can breathe in and gives them the ability to suffocate.
EntityCanClimbComponent 可用 搶鮮版API When added, this component signifies that the entity can climb up ladders.
EntityCanFlyComponent 可用 搶鮮版API When added, this component signifies that the entity can fly, and the pathfinder won't be restricted to paths where a solid block is required underneath it.
EntityCanPowerJumpComponent 可用 搶鮮版API When added, this component signifies that the entity can power jump like the horse does within Minecraft.
EntityColorComponent 可用 搶鮮版API Defines the entity's color.
EntityComponent 可用 搶鮮版API Base class for downstream entity components.
EntityDefinitionFeedItem 可用 搶鮮版API As part of the Ageable component, represents a set of items that can be fed to an entity and the rate at which that causes them to grow.
EntityDieAfterEvent 可用 搶鮮版API Contains data related to the death of an entity in the game.
EntityDieAfterEventSignal 可用 搶鮮版API Supports registering for an event that fires after an entity has died.
EntityEquippableComponent 可用 搶鮮版API Provides access to a mob's equipment slots.
EntityFireImmuneComponent 可用 搶鮮版API When added, this component signifies that this entity doesn't take damage from fire.
EntityFloatsInLiquidComponent 可用 搶鮮版API When added, this component signifies that this entity can float in liquid blocks.
EntityFlyingSpeedComponent 可用 搶鮮版API Represents the flying speed of an entity.
EntityFrictionModifierComponent 可用 搶鮮版API Defines how much friction affects this entity.
EntityGroundOffsetComponent 可用 搶鮮版API Sets the offset from the ground that the entity is actually at.
EntityHealableComponent 可用 搶鮮版API Defines the interactions with this entity for healing it.
EntityHealthChangedAfterEvent 可用 搶鮮版API Contains information related to an entity when its health changes.
EntityHealthChangedAfterEventSignal 可用 搶鮮版API Manages callbacks that are connected to when the health of an entity changes.
EntityHealthComponent 可用 搶鮮版API Defines the health properties of an entity.
EntityHitBlockAfterEvent 可用 搶鮮版API Contains information related to an entity hitting a block.
EntityHitBlockAfterEventSignal 可用 搶鮮版API Manages callbacks that are connected to when an entity hits a block.
EntityHitEntityAfterEvent 可用 搶鮮版API Contains information related to an entity hitting (melee attacking) another entity.
EntityHitEntityAfterEventSignal 可用 搶鮮版API Manages callbacks that are connected to when an entity makes a melee attack on another entity.
EntityHurtAfterEvent 可用 搶鮮版API Contains information related to an entity getting hurt.
EntityHurtAfterEventSignal 可用 搶鮮版API Manages callbacks that are connected to when an entity is hurt.
EntityInventoryComponent 可用 搶鮮版API 表示一個實體的物品欄屬性。
EntityIsBabyComponent 可用 搶鮮版API When added, this component signifies that this entity is a baby.
EntityIsChargedComponent 可用 搶鮮版API When added, this component signifies that this entity is charged.
EntityIsChestedComponent 可用 搶鮮版API When added, this component signifies that this entity is currently carrying a chest.
EntityIsDyeableComponent 可用 搶鮮版API When added, this component signifies that dyes can be used on this entity to change its color.
EntityIsHiddenWhenInvisibleComponent 可用 搶鮮版API When added, this component signifies that this entity can hide from hostile mobs while invisible.
EntityIsIgnitedComponent 可用 搶鮮版API When added, this component signifies that this entity this currently on fire.
EntityIsIllagerCaptainComponent 可用 搶鮮版API When added, this component signifies that this entity is an illager captain.
EntityIsSaddledComponent 可用 搶鮮版API When added, this component signifies that this entity is currently saddled.
EntityIsShakingComponent 可用 搶鮮版API When added, this component signifies that this entity is currently shaking.
EntityIsShearedComponent 可用 搶鮮版API When added, this component signifies that this entity is currently sheared.
EntityIsStackableComponent 可用 搶鮮版API When added, this component signifies that this entity can be stacked.
EntityIsStunnedComponent 可用 搶鮮版API When added, this component signifies that this entity is currently stunned.
EntityIsTamedComponent 可用 搶鮮版API When added, this component signifies that this entity is currently tamed.
EntityItemComponent 可用 搶鮮版API If added onto the entity, this indicates that the entity represents a free-floating item in the world.
EntityIterator 可用 搶鮮版API This type is usable for iterating over a set of entities.
EntityLavaMovementComponent 可用 搶鮮版API Defines the base movement speed in lava of this entity.
EntityLeashableComponent 可用 搶鮮版API Allows this entity to be leashed and defines the conditions and events for this entity when is leashed.
EntityLoadAfterEvent 可用 搶鮮版API Contains data related to an entity loaded within the world.
EntityLoadAfterEventSignal 可用 搶鮮版API Registers a script-based event handler for handling what happens when an entity loads.
EntityMarkVariantComponent 可用 搶鮮版API Additional variant value.
EntityMountTamingComponent 可用 搶鮮版API Contains options for taming a rideable entity based on the entity that mounts it.
EntityMovementAmphibiousComponent 可用 搶鮮版API When added, this movement control allows the mob to swim in water and walk on land.
EntityMovementBasicComponent 可用 搶鮮版API This component accents the movement of an entity.
EntityMovementComponent 可用 搶鮮版API Defines the general movement speed of this entity.
EntityMovementFlyComponent 可用 搶鮮版API When added, this move control causes the mob to fly.
EntityMovementGenericComponent 可用 搶鮮版API When added, this move control allows a mob to fly, swim, climb, etc.
EntityMovementGlideComponent 可用 搶鮮版API When added, this movement control allows the mob to glide.
EntityMovementHoverComponent 可用 搶鮮版API When added, this move control causes the mob to hover.
EntityMovementJumpComponent 可用 搶鮮版API Move control that causes the mob to jump as it moves with a specified delay between jumps.
EntityMovementSkipComponent 可用 搶鮮版API When added, this move control causes the mob to hop as it moves.
EntityMovementSwayComponent 可用 搶鮮版API When added, this move control causes the mob to sway side to side giving the impression it is swimming.
EntityNavigationClimbComponent 可用 搶鮮版API Allows this entity to generate paths that include vertical walls (for example, like Minecraft spiders do.)
EntityNavigationComponent 可用 搶鮮版API Allows this entity to generate paths that include vertical walls (for example, like Minecraft spiders do.)
EntityNavigationFloatComponent 可用 搶鮮版API Allows this entity to generate paths by flying around the air like the regular Ghast.
EntityNavigationFlyComponent 可用 搶鮮版API Allows this entity to generate paths in the air (for example, like Minecraft parrots do.)
EntityNavigationGenericComponent 可用 搶鮮版API Allows this entity to generate paths by walking, swimming, flying and/or climbing around and jumping up and down a block.
EntityNavigationHoverComponent 可用 搶鮮版API Allows this entity to generate paths in the air (for example, like the Minecraft Bees do.) Keeps them from falling out of the skies and doing predictive movement.
EntityNavigationWalkComponent 可用 搶鮮版API Allows this entity to generate paths by walking around and jumping up and down a block like regular mobs.
EntityNpcComponent 可用 搶鮮版API Adds NPC capabilities to an entity such as custom skin, name, and dialogue interactions.
EntityOnFireComponent 可用 搶鮮版API When present on an entity, this entity is on fire.
EntityPushThroughComponent 可用 搶鮮版API Sets the distance through which the entity can push through.
EntityRemoveAfterEvent 可用 搶鮮版API Data for an event that happens when an entity is removed from the world (for example, the entity is unloaded because it is not close to players.)
EntityRemoveAfterEventSignal 可用 搶鮮版API Allows registration for an event that fires when an entity is removed from the game (for example, unloaded, or a few seconds after they are dead.)
EntityRemoveBeforeEvent 可用 搶鮮版API Data for an event that happens when an entity is being removed from the world (for example, the entity is unloaded because it is not close to players.)
EntityRemoveBeforeEventSignal 可用 搶鮮版API Allows registration for an event that fires when an entity is being removed from the game (for example, unloaded, or a few seconds after they are dead.)
EntityRideableComponent 可用 搶鮮版API When added, this component adds the capability that an entity can be ridden by another entity.
EntityRidingComponent 可用 搶鮮版API This component is added to any entity when it is riding another entity.
EntityScaleComponent 可用 搶鮮版API Sets the entity's visual size.
EntitySkinIdComponent 可用 搶鮮版API Skin Id value.
EntitySpawnAfterEvent 可用 搶鮮版API Contains data related to an entity spawning within the world.
EntitySpawnAfterEventSignal 可用 搶鮮版API Registers a script-based event handler for handling what happens when an entity spawns.
EntityStrengthComponent 可用 搶鮮版API Defines the entity's strength to carry items.
EntityTameableComponent 可用 搶鮮版API Defines the rules for an entity to be tamed by the player.
EntityType 可用 搶鮮版API Represents information about a type of entity.
EntityTypeIterator 可用 搶鮮版API An iterator that loops through available entity types.
EntityTypes 可用 搶鮮版API Used for accessing all entity types currently available for use within the world.
EntityUnderwaterMovementComponent 可用 搶鮮版API Defines the general movement speed underwater of this entity.
EntityVariantComponent 可用 搶鮮版API Used to differentiate the component group of a variant of an entity from others.
EntityWantsJockeyComponent 可用 搶鮮版API When added, this component signifies that this entity wants to become a jockey.
ExplosionAfterEvent 可用 搶鮮版API Contains information regarding an explosion that has happened.
ExplosionAfterEventSignal 可用 搶鮮版API Manages callbacks that are connected to when an explosion occurs.
ExplosionBeforeEvent 可用 搶鮮版API Contains information regarding an explosion that has happened.
ExplosionBeforeEventSignal 可用 搶鮮版API Manages callbacks that are connected to before an explosion occurs.
FeedItem 可用 搶鮮版API As part of the Healable component, represents a specific item that can be fed to an entity to cause health effects.
FeedItemEffect 可用 搶鮮版API Represents an effect that is applied as a result of a food item being fed to an entity.
FilterGroup 可用 搶鮮版API Represents a set of filters for when an event should occur.
FluidContainer 可用 搶鮮版API Represents constants related to fluid containers.
IButtonPushAfterEventSignal 可用 搶鮮版API Provides an adaptable interface for callers to subscribe to an event that fires when a button is pushed.
ILeverActionAfterEventSignal 可用 搶鮮版API Provides an adaptable interface for callers to subscribe to an event that fires after a lever is used.
IPlayerJoinAfterEventSignal 可用 搶鮮版API Provides an adaptable interface for callers to subscribe to an event that fires after a player joins a world.
IPlayerLeaveAfterEventSignal 可用 搶鮮版API Provides an adaptable interface for callers to subscribe to an event that fires after a player leaves a world.
IPlayerSpawnAfterEventSignal 可用 搶鮮版API Provides an adaptable interface for callers to subscribe to an event that fires after a player spawns.
ItemCompleteUseAfterEvent 可用 搶鮮版API Contains information related to a chargeable item completing being charged.
ItemCompleteUseAfterEventSignal 可用 搶鮮版API Manages callbacks that are connected to the completion of charging for a chargeable item.
ItemComponent 可用 搶鮮版API Base class for item components.
ItemCooldownComponent 可用 搶鮮版API 表示物品使用冷卻元件。
ItemDefinitionAfterEventSignal 可用 搶鮮版API Manages callbacks that are connected to an item's definition and components changing.
ItemDefinitionBeforeEventSignal 可用 搶鮮版API Manages callbacks that are connected to an item's definition and components changing.
ItemDefinitionTriggeredAfterEvent 可用 搶鮮版API Contains information related to a custom item having a data definition change being triggered.
ItemDefinitionTriggeredBeforeEvent 可用 搶鮮版API Contains information related to a triggering of a custom item definition change.
ItemDurabilityComponent 可用 搶鮮版API 表示物品耐久元件。
ItemEnchantsComponent 可用 搶鮮版API 表示物品附魔元件。
ItemFoodComponent 可用 搶鮮版API 表示物品食物元件。
ItemReleaseUseAfterEvent 可用 搶鮮版API Contains information related to a chargeable item when the player has finished using the item and released the build action.
ItemReleaseUseAfterEventSignal 可用 搶鮮版API Manages callbacks that are connected to the releasing of charging for a chargeable item.
ItemStack 可用 搶鮮版API Defines a collection of items.
ItemStartUseAfterEvent 可用 搶鮮版API Contains information related to a chargeable item starting to be charged.
ItemStartUseAfterEventSignal 可用 搶鮮版API Manages callbacks that are connected to the start of charging for a chargeable item.
ItemStartUseOnAfterEvent 可用 搶鮮版API Contains information related to an item being used on a block.
ItemStartUseOnAfterEventSignal 可用 搶鮮版API Manages callbacks that are connected to an item starting being used on a block event.
ItemStopUseAfterEvent 可用 搶鮮版API Contains information related to a chargeable item has finished an items use cycle, or when the player has released the use action with the item.
ItemStopUseAfterEventSignal 可用 搶鮮版API Manages callbacks that are connected to the stopping of charging for an item that has a registered minecraft:chargeable component.
ItemStopUseOnAfterEvent 可用 搶鮮版API Contains information related to an item that has stopped being used on a block.
ItemStopUseOnAfterEventSignal 可用 搶鮮版API Manages callbacks that are connected to an item stops used on a block event.
ItemType 可用 搶鮮版API Represents the type of an item - for example, Wool.
ItemTypes 可用 搶鮮版API Returns the set of item types registered within Minecraft.
ItemUseAfterEvent 可用 搶鮮版API Contains information related to an item being used on a block.
ItemUseAfterEventSignal 可用 搶鮮版API Manages callbacks that are connected to an item use event.
ItemUseBeforeEvent 可用 搶鮮版API Contains information related to an item being used.
ItemUseBeforeEventSignal 可用 搶鮮版API Manages callbacks that fire before an item is used.
ItemUseOnAfterEvent 可用 搶鮮版API 表示對方塊使用物品時觸發的後置事件。
ItemUseOnAfterEventSignal 可用 搶鮮版API Manages callbacks that are connected to an item being used on a block event.
ItemUseOnBeforeEvent 可用 搶鮮版API Contains information related to an item being used on a block.
ItemUseOnBeforeEventSignal 可用 搶鮮版API Manages callbacks that fire before an item being used on a block event.
LeverActionAfterEvent 可用 搶鮮版API Contains information related to changes to a lever activating or deactivating.
LeverActionAfterEventSignal 可用 搶鮮版API Manages callbacks that are connected to lever moves (activates or deactivates).
MessageReceiveAfterEvent 可用 搶鮮版API A specific currently-internal event used for passing messages from client to server.
MinecraftDimensionTypes 可用 N/A N/A DEPRECATED Use
MolangVariableMap 可用 搶鮮版API Contains a set of additional variable values for further defining how rendering and animations function.
NavigationResult 可用 搶鮮版API Contains data resulting from a navigation operation, including whether the navigation is possible and the path of navigation.
PistonActivateAfterEvent 可用 搶鮮版API Contains information related to changes to a piston expanding or retracting.
PistonActivateAfterEventSignal 可用 搶鮮版API Manages callbacks that are connected to piston activations.
PistonActivateBeforeEvent 可用 搶鮮版API Contains information related to changes before a piston expands or retracts.
PistonActivateBeforeEventSignal 可用 搶鮮版API Manages callbacks that are connected to an event that fires before a piston is activated.
Player 可用 N/A N/A Represents a player within the world.
PlayerBreakBlockAfterEvent 可用 搶鮮版API Contains information regarding an event after a player breaks a block.
PlayerBreakBlockAfterEventSignal 可用 搶鮮版API Manages callbacks that are connected to when a player breaks a block.
PlayerBreakBlockBeforeEvent 可用 搶鮮版API Contains information regarding an event before a player breaks a block.
PlayerBreakBlockBeforeEventSignal 可用 搶鮮版API Manages callbacks that are connected to before a player breaks a block.
PlayerDimensionChangeAfterEvent 可用 搶鮮版API Contains information related to changes to a player's dimension having been changed.
PlayerDimensionChangeAfterEventSignal 可用 搶鮮版API Manages callbacks that are connected to successful player dimension changes.
PlayerInteractWithBlockAfterEvent 可用 搶鮮版API Contains information regarding an event after a player interacts with a block.
PlayerInteractWithBlockAfterEventSignal 可用 搶鮮版API Manages callbacks that are connected to after a player interacts with a block.
PlayerInteractWithBlockBeforeEvent 可用 搶鮮版API Contains information regarding an event before a player interacts with a block.
PlayerInteractWithBlockBeforeEventSignal 可用 搶鮮版API Manages callbacks that are connected to before a player interacts with a block.
PlayerInteractWithEntityAfterEvent 可用 搶鮮版API Contains information regarding an event after a player interacts with an entity.
PlayerInteractWithEntityAfterEventSignal 可用 搶鮮版API Manages callbacks that are connected to after a player interacts with an entity.
PlayerInteractWithEntityBeforeEvent 可用 搶鮮版API Contains information regarding an event before a player interacts with an entity.
PlayerInteractWithEntityBeforeEventSignal 可用 搶鮮版API Manages callbacks that are connected to before a player interacts with an entity.
PlayerIterator 可用 搶鮮版API This type is usable for iterating over a set of players.
PlayerJoinAfterEvent 可用 搶鮮版API Contains information regarding a player that has joined.
PlayerJoinAfterEventSignal 可用 搶鮮版API Manages callbacks that are connected to a player joining the world.
PlayerLeaveAfterEvent 可用 搶鮮版API Contains information regarding a player that has left the world.
PlayerLeaveAfterEventSignal 可用 搶鮮版API Manages callbacks that are connected to a player leaving the world.
PlayerLeaveBeforeEvent 可用 搶鮮版API
PlayerLeaveBeforeEventSignal 可用 搶鮮版API
PlayerPlaceBlockAfterEvent 可用 搶鮮版API Contains information regarding an event where a player places a block.
PlayerPlaceBlockAfterEventSignal 可用 搶鮮版API Manages callbacks that are connected to when a block is placed by a player.
PlayerPlaceBlockBeforeEvent 可用 搶鮮版API Contains information regarding an event before a player places a block.
PlayerPlaceBlockBeforeEventSignal 可用 搶鮮版API Manages callbacks that are connected to before a block is placed by a player.
PlayerSpawnAfterEvent 可用 搶鮮版API An event that contains more information about a player spawning.
PlayerSpawnAfterEventSignal 可用 搶鮮版API Registers an event when a player is spawned (or re-spawned after death) and fully ready within the world.
PressurePlatePopAfterEvent 可用 搶鮮版API Contains information related to changes to a pressure plate pop.
PressurePlatePopAfterEventSignal 可用 搶鮮版API Manages callbacks that are connected to when a pressure plate is popped.
PressurePlatePushAfterEvent 可用 搶鮮版API Contains information related to changes to a pressure plate push.
PressurePlatePushAfterEventSignal 可用 搶鮮版API Manages callbacks that are connected to when a pressure plate is pushed.
ProjectileHitBlockAfterEvent 可用 搶鮮版API Contains information related to a projectile hitting a block.
ProjectileHitBlockAfterEventSignal 可用 搶鮮版API Manages callbacks that are connected to when a projectile hits a block.
ProjectileHitEntityAfterEvent 可用 搶鮮版API Contains information related to a projectile hitting an entity.
ProjectileHitEntityAfterEventSignal 可用 搶鮮版API Manages callbacks that are connected to when a projectile hits an entity.
Scoreboard 可用 搶鮮版API 表示計分板。
ScoreboardIdentity 可用 搶鮮版API 表示計分板上的分數持有者。
ScoreboardObjective 可用 搶鮮版API 表示計分板上的記分項。
ScoreboardScoreInfo 可用 搶鮮版API 表示分數資訊。
ScreenDisplay 可用 搶鮮版API Contains information about user interface elements that are showing up on the screen.
ScriptEventCommandMessageAfterEvent 可用 搶鮮版API Returns additional data about a /scriptevent command invocation.
ScriptEventCommandMessageAfterEventSignal 可用 搶鮮版API Allows for registering an event handler that responds to inbound /scriptevent commands.
Seat 可用 搶鮮版API Describes a particular seating position on this rideable entity.
ServerMessageAfterEventSignal 可用 搶鮮版API Manages callbacks that are message passing to a server.
System 可用 N/A N/A A class that provides system-level events and functions.
SystemAfterEvents 可用 搶鮮版API Provides a set of events that fire within the broader scripting system within Minecraft.
SystemBeforeEvents 可用 搶鮮版API A set of events that fire before an actual action occurs.
TargetBlockHitAfterEvent 可用 搶鮮版API Contains information related to changes to a target block hit.
TargetBlockHitAfterEventSignal 可用 搶鮮版API Manages callbacks that are connected to when a target block is hit.
Trigger 可用 搶鮮版API Represents a trigger for firing an event.
TripWireTripAfterEvent 可用 搶鮮版API Contains information related to changes to a trip wire trip.
TripWireTripAfterEventSignal 可用 搶鮮版API Manages callbacks that are connected to when a trip wire is tripped.
Vector 可用 搶鮮版API Contains a description of a vector.
WatchdogTerminateBeforeEvent 可用 搶鮮版API Contains information related to a script watchdog termination.
WatchdogTerminateBeforeEventSignal 可用 搶鮮版API Manages callbacks that are connected to a callback that will be called when a script runtime is being terminated due to a violation of the performance watchdog system.
WeatherChangeAfterEvent 可用 搶鮮版API Contains information related to changes in weather in the environment.
WeatherChangeAfterEventSignal 可用 搶鮮版API Manages callbacks that are connected to weather changing.
World 可用 N/A N/A 表示一個世界。
WorldAfterEvents 可用 搶鮮版API Contains a set of events that are available across the scope of the World.
WorldBeforeEvents 可用 搶鮮版API 表示一系列觸發於實際動作發生之前的事件。
WorldInitializeAfterEvent 可用 搶鮮版API Contains information and methods that can be used at the initialization of the scripting environment for a World.
WorldInitializeAfterEventSignal 可用 搶鮮版API Manages callbacks that are run at the initialization of the scripting environment for a World.


名稱 可用性 實驗性玩法 走出實驗模組版本
CommandError 可用 搶鮮版API
LocationInUnloadedChunkError 可用 搶鮮版API
LocationOutOfWorldBoundariesError 可用 搶鮮版API


名稱 可用性 實驗性玩法 走出實驗模組版本
BlockEventOptions 可用 搶鮮版API Contains optional parameters for registering a block event.
BlockFillOptions 可用 搶鮮版API Contains additional options for a block fill operation.
BlockHitInformation 可用 搶鮮版API Contains more information for events where a block is hit.
BlockRaycastHit 可用 搶鮮版API Contains information for block raycast hit results.
BlockRaycastOptions 可用 搶鮮版API Contains additional options for configuring a block raycast query.
BlockVolume 可用 搶鮮版API A BlockVolume is a simple interface to an object which represents a 3D rectangle of a given size (in blocks) at a world block location.
BoundingBox 可用 搶鮮版API A BoundingBox is an interface to an object which represents an AABB aligned rectangle.
CameraDefaultOptions 可用 搶鮮版API
CameraEaseOptions 可用 搶鮮版API Contains options associated with a camera ease operation.
CameraFadeOptions 可用 搶鮮版API Used to initiate a full-screen color fade.
CameraFadeTimeOptions 可用 搶鮮版API Contains timings for a fade transition.
CameraSetFacingOptions 可用 搶鮮版API
CameraSetLocationOptions 可用 搶鮮版API
CameraSetPosOptions 可用 搶鮮版API
CameraSetRotOptions 可用 搶鮮版API
CompoundBlockVolumeItem 可用 搶鮮版API This interface defines an entry into the @minecraft-server/CompoundBlockVolume which represents a volume of positive or negative space.
DimensionLocation 可用 搶鮮版API An exact coordinate within the world, including its dimension and location.
EntityApplyDamageByProjectileOptions 可用 搶鮮版API Additional options for when damage has been applied via a projectile.
EntityApplyDamageOptions 可用 搶鮮版API Additional descriptions and metadata for a damage event.
EntityDamageSource 可用 搶鮮版API Provides information about how damage has been applied to an entity.
EntityDataDrivenTriggerEventOptions 可用 搶鮮版API Specifies additional filters that are used in registering a data driven trigger event for entities.
EntityEffectOptions 可用 搶鮮版API Contains additional options for entity effects.
EntityEventOptions 可用 搶鮮版API Contains optional parameters for registering an entity event.
EntityHitInformation 可用 搶鮮版API Contains additional information about an entity that was hit.
EntityQueryOptions 可用 搶鮮版API Contains options for selecting entities within an area.
EntityQueryScoreOptions 可用 搶鮮版API Contains additional options for filtering players based on their score for an objective.
EntityRaycastHit 可用 搶鮮版API Contains information for entity raycast hit results.
EntityRaycastOptions 可用 搶鮮版API Contains additional options for an entity raycast operation.
ExplosionOptions 可用 搶鮮版API Additional configuration options for the Dimension.createExplosion method.
MusicOptions 可用 搶鮮版API Additional configuration options for World.playMusic/{@link World.queueMusic } methods.
PlayAnimationOptions 可用 搶鮮版API Contains additional options for how an animation is played.
PlayerSoundOptions 可用 搶鮮版API Additional options for how a sound plays for a player.
RawMessage 可用 搶鮮版API Defines a JSON structure that is used for more flexible.
RawMessageScore 可用 搶鮮版API Provides a description of a score token to use within a raw message.
RawText 可用 搶鮮版API A `RawMessage` with only the `rawtext` property.
RGB 可用 搶鮮版API Represents a fully customizable color within Minecraft.
RGBA 可用 搶鮮版API Represents a fully customizable color within Minecraft.
ScoreboardObjectiveDisplayOptions 可用 搶鮮版API 表示記分項顯示位置組態。
ScriptEventMessageFilterOptions 可用 搶鮮版API Contains additional options for registering a script event event callback.
TeleportOptions 可用 搶鮮版API Contains additional options for teleporting an entity.
TitleDisplayOptions 可用 搶鮮版API Contains additional options for displaying a title and optional subtitle.
Vector2 可用 搶鮮版API Represents a two-directional vector.
Vector3 可用 搶鮮版API Contains a description of a vector.
WorldSoundOptions 可用 搶鮮版API Contains additional options for a world-level playSound occurrence.


名稱 可用性 實驗性玩法 走出實驗模組版本
BlockComponentTypeMap 可用 搶鮮版API
EntityComponentTypeMap 可用 搶鮮版API
ItemComponentTypeMap 可用 搶鮮版API