User:Miemie Method/下界沙盒


Ode to Azhdaha 天遒歌Tiānqíu Gē


昔若陀徽土Xī Rětuó huī tǔ,

越天遒广及青墟浦Yuè Tiānqiú guǎng jí Qīngxū Pǔ.

川亹亹毖流兮Chuān wěiwěi bì liú xī,

金阙连望舒Jīn què lián wàngshū.

哀时兮时兮 焉薄余属Āi shíxī shíxī, Yānbó yú shǔ.

恚君常违兮 灵囿作堀Huì jūn cháng wéi xī, Líng yòu zuò kū.

夫黯黮命兮 险巇壅阻Fú àn-tàn mìng xī, Xiǎn xī yōng-zǔ.


怨憺兮 瞀乱Yuàn-dàn xī, Máo-luàn.

山峦耸荡Shān-luán sǒng-dàng,

龙躣之出Lóng qú zhī chū.


安归乎?Ān guī hū?

蕙园憭栗兮 宫为渚Huì yuán liáolì xī, gōng wéi zhǔ.

Rage Beneath the Mountains 岩壑之崩Yán-Hè Zhī Bēng

邃宇兮 黑翳逐Suì yǔ xī, Hēi yì zhú.

山野兮 窘步Shān-yě xī, Jiǒng bù.

出!Chū! 幽宫兮 余既伏

君常违兮 国隳芜Jūn cháng wéi xī, Guó huī-wú. 乌有兮 归处

蓄雠怨增欷Xù chóu-yuàn zēngxī. 零落兮 困洿渎

惶惶兮 索陵迟恶途Huánghuáng xī, Suǒ língchí è'tú. 奈何乎!

归兮Guī xī.

巉石峦岳毂转乎Chán shí luán-yuè gǔzhuǎn hū,

万川湍流吞穹庐Wàn chuān tuān-liú tūn qiónglú.

山崩岩崒Shān bēng yán zú,

愆辜安除?Qiān-gū ān chú? 愆辜安除?Qiān-gū ān chú?

零落兮 困洿渎Língluò xī, Kùn wūdú.

浇季兮 穷路Jiāojì xī, Qióng lù.

林峻茂兮 掩殊途Lín jùn-mào xī, Yǎn shū tú.

审行迷延伫远兮 山穹覆Shěn xíng mí yán zhù yuǎn xī, Shānqióng fù.

邃宇兮 黑翳逐 (Long age) In the field of stars, expelling the dark shadows 山野兮 窘步 (Now) Lost in the mountains and wilderness, with no way to go 出! Show yourself! 君常违兮 国隳芜 Since you left, the country has fallen into a terrible state 蓄雠怨增欷 Hatred, sorrow, and grief accumulate day after day 惶惶兮 索陵迟恶途 Panicking and not knowing where to go, I embark on the treacherous journey ahead 归兮 It's time to return! 巉石峦岳毂转乎 The steep rocks and mountains withstood the test of time 万川湍流吞穹庐 Thousands of rivers tush rapidly, seemingly swallowing the sky 山崩岩崒 (But even if) Mountains fall and the earth tremors 愆辜安除? How can the evil (which caused all this) be eradicated? 零落兮 困洿渎 (Fate) Lonely and wandering, trapped in such a harsh place 浇季兮 穷路 There is no way out of this miserable generation 林峻茂兮 掩殊途 The mountains are precipitous and lush, hiding the path that diverged (between you and me) 审行迷延伫远兮 山穹覆 Recounting how I had lost my way and wandered away from you, engulfed by the shadow of a mountain