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名字 | 描述 |
Animation.Base | |
Animation.Item | |
Animation.base | |
Animation.Item |
Module used to manage armor's behavior
名字 | 描述 |
Armor.preventDamaging | Prevents armor from being damaged
阻止盔甲损坏 |
Armor.registerFuncs | Registers armor's hurt and tick functions
注册盔甲的hurt和tick的函数[注 1] |
Armor.registerOnHurtListener | This event is called when the damage is dealt to the player that has this armor put on.
此事件将在穿有此盔甲的玩家受到伤害时触发 |
Armor.registerOnTakeOffListener | This event is called when player takes off or changes this armor item.
此事件将在玩家脱下或更换盔甲时触发 |
Armor.registerOnTakeOnListener | This event is called when player takes on this armor, or spawns with it.
此事件将在玩家玩家穿上盔甲,或生成时即带有盔甲时触发 |
Armor.registerOnTickListener | This event is called every tick for every player that has this armor put on.
此事件将对所有装备此盔甲的玩家每时间刻触发一次 |
- ↑ deprecated: Does not work in multiplayer 过时:此方法不在多人游戏中正常工作
Module used to create and manipulate blocks. The difference between terms "block" and "tile" is in its usage: blocks are used in the inventory, tiles are placed in the world and have different ids for some vanilla blocks. Use Block.convertBlockToItemId and Block.convertItemToBlockId
用于创建和操纵方块的模块。“Block(方块)”和“Tile(区块)”两术语间的差别在于他们的用途:Block是在背包中使用的东西,而Tile是放置在世界中,且与原版方块有不同id的东西。可使用Block.convertBlockToItemId 和Block.convertItemToBlockId 进行转换。
名字 | 描述 |
Block.AnimateTickFunction | Function used to track random block animation ticks |
Block.BlockVariation | Object used to represent single block variation |
Block.DropFunction | Function used to determine block drop |
Block.PlaceFunction | Function used to determine when block is placed in the world |
Block.PopResourcesFunction | Function used to determine when block is broken by environment (explosions, pistons, etc.) |
Block.RandomTickFunction | Function used to track random block ticks |
Block.SpecialType | Special types are used to set properties to the block. Unlike items, blocks properties are defined using special types, due to old Inner Core's block ids limitations |
名字 | 描述 |
Block.convertBlockToItemId | Converts tile id to the block id |
Block.convertItemToBlockId | Converts block id to the tile id |
Block.createBlock | Creates new block using specified params 用指定参数创建新方块 |
Block.createBlockWithRotation | Creates new block using specified params, creating four variations for each of the specified variations to be able to place it facing flayer with the front side and defines the appropriate behavior. Useful for different machines and mechanisms |
Block.createSpecialType | Creates a new special type using specified params and registers it by name |
Block.getBlockDropViaItem | Gets drop for the specified block. Used mostly by Core Engine's ToolAPI, though, can be useful in the mods, too |
Block.getDestroyTime | |
Block.getExplosionResistance | |
Block.getFriction | |
Block.getLightLevel | |
Block.getLightOpacity | |
Block.getNumericId | |
Block.getRenderLayer | |
Block.getRenderType | |
Block.getTranslucency | |
Block.isNativeTile | |
Block.isSolid | |
Block.registerDropFunction | Registers function used by Core Engine to determine block drop for the specified block id |
Block.registerDropFunctionForID | Same as Block.registerDropFunction but accepts only numeric tile id as the first param |
Block.registerPlaceFunction | Registers function to be called when the block is placed in the world |
Block.registerPlaceFunctionForID | Same as Block.registerPlaceFunction but accepts only numeric tile id as the first param |
Block.registerPopResourcesFunction | Registeres function used by Core Engine to determine block drop for the specified block id |
Block.registerPopResourcesFunctionForID | Same as Block.registerPopResourcesFunction but accepts only numeric tile id as the first param |
Block.setAnimateTickCallback | Makes block invoke callback randomly depending on game speed. Occurs more often than Block.setRandomTickCallback and only if the block is not far away from player |
Block.setBlockMaterial | Registers material and digging level for the specified block |
Block.setBlockShape | Sets block box shape |
Block.setDestroyLevel | Registers a default destroy function for the specified block, considering its digging level |
Block.setDestroyLevelForID | Same as Block.setDestroyLevel but accepts only numeric tile id as the first param |
Block.setDestroyTime | Sets destroy time for the block with specified id |
Block.setPrototype | [注 1] |
Block.setRandomTickCallback | Makes block invoke callback randomly depending on game speed |
Block.setRedstoneTile | Makes block accept redstone signal |
Block.setShape | Same as Block.setBlockShape, but accepts coordinates as scalar params, not objects |
Block.setTempDestroyTime | Temporarily sets destroy time for block, saving the old value for the further usage |
- ↑ deprecated: No longer supported
Module used to handle in-game events. When some native event occurs, all callback functions registered for this event are called. Also you can invoke callback with any name manually using Callback.invokeCallback function.
All pre-defined callbacks with their functions interfaces are listed below. If no function interface is provided, use a function with no params and return value:
名字 | 描述 |
ContainerOpened | occurs when user opens some container. See Callback.ContainerOpenedFunction for details 当玩家打开一个容器时触发。详见Callback.ContainerOpenedFunction |
ContainerClosed | occurs when some container is closed. See Callback.ContainerClosedFunction for details 当一个容器被关闭时触发。详见Callback.ContainerClosedFunction |
CustomWindowOpened | occurs when every single window is opened. Called for every window and subwindow. Examples of subwindows include standard inventory, window title, main window, etc. See Callback.CustomWindowOpenedFunction for details 当单一窗口打开时触发。所有窗口及其子窗口都会调用该函数。子窗口例如标准物品栏,窗口标题,主窗口等。详见Callback.CustomWindowOpenedFunction |
CustomWindowClosed | occurs when every single window is closed. See Callback.CustomWindowClosedFunction for details 当单一窗口关闭时触发。详见Callback.CustomWindowClosedFunction |
名字 | 描述 |
CraftRecipePreProvided | occurs befor crafting is performed. See Callback.CraftRecipePreProvidedFunction for details 系统执行合成操作前触发。详见Callback.CraftRecipePreProvidedFunction |
CraftRecipeProvided | occurs afrer crafting recipe result is determined. See Callback.CraftRecipeProvidedFunction for details 当系统已确认合成配方的结果时触发。详见Callback.CraftRecipeProvidedFunction |
VanillaWorkbenchCraft | occurs just before adding crafting recipe result to player's inventory. See Callback.VanillaWorkbenchCraftFunction for details |
VanillaWorkbenchPostCraft | occurs after adding crafting recipe result to player's inventory. See Callback.VanillaWorkbenchCraftFunction for details |
VanillaWorkbenchRecipeSelected | occurs when player selects recipe in the workbench. See Callback.VanillaWorkbenchRecipeSelectedFunction for details |
名字 | 描述 |
CoreConfigured | occurs when Inner Core default configuration file is loaded. See Callback.CoreConfiguredFunction for details |
PreLoaded | occurs directly after "CoreConfigured" callback |
APILoaded | occurs directly after "PreLoaded" callback |
ModsLoaded | occurs directly after "APILoaded" callback |
PostLoaded | occurs directly after "ModsLoaded" callback. Last of the loading callbacks |
AppSuspended | occurs when Minecraft application is paused |
NativeGuiChanged | occurs when vanilla screen changes. See Callback.NativeGuiChangedFunction for details |
ReadSaves | occurs when reading saves from global scope. See Callback.SavesFunction for details |
WriteSaves | occurs when writing saves to global scope. See Callback.SavesFunction for details |
名字 | 描述 |
tick | is main game tick. This callback is called 20 times per second and is used to define all dynamic events in the game. Avoid overloading tick functions and use Callback.Updatables and Callback.TileEntitys when posssible |
LevelSelected | occurs when the level is selected and will be loaded. See Callback.LevelSelectedFunction for details |
LevelCreated | occurs when level is created in the memory of the device |
LevelDisplayed | occurs when level is displayed to the player |
LevelPreLoaded | 当存档开始加载时调用(正在加载但是还没进去时) |
LevelLoaded | 当存档完全加载好时调用 |
DimensionLoaded | occurs when vanilla or custom dimension is loaded. See Callback.DimensionLoadedFunction for details |
LevelPreLeft | 当玩家开始离开世界时调用 |
LevelLeft | 当玩家完成离开世界时调用 |
PreBlocksDefined | occurs before saving block data while loading world |
BlocksDefined | occurs after saving block data while loading world |
名字 | 描述 |
DestroyBlock | 当玩家破坏方块时调用(也就是方块坏了的时候)。详情看Callback.DestroyBlockFunction |
DestroyBlockStart | occurs when player starts breaking block. Has the same parameters as "DestroyBlock" callback, see Callback.DestroyBlockFunction for details |
DestroyBlockContinue | occurs when player continues breaking block. Occurs several times during one block breaking. See Callback.DestroyBlockContinueFunction for details |
BuildBlock | occurs when player places block somewhere in the world. See Callback.BuildBlockFunction for details |
BlockChanged | occurs when block changes in the world. To capture this event you should register blocks that you need to watch using Callback.World.setBlockChangeCallbackEnabled method. All block changes that are related to the registered blocks trigger this event. See Callback.BlockChangedFunction for details |
ItemUse | occurs when player uses item on some block. Doesn't work if vanilla container is opened (e.g. chest, workbench, etc.). Use "ItemUseLocalServer" to track such events instead. See Callback.ItemUseFunction for details |
ItemUseLocalServer | occurs when player uses some item on the local server. Can be used to prevent vanilla container from opening. See Callback.ItemUseFunction for details |
FoodEaten | 当玩家吃东西时调用。 详情看 Callback.FoodEatenFunction |
ExpAdd | 当玩家经验增加时调用。详情看Callback.ExpAddFunciton |
ExpLevelAdd | 当玩家提升经验等级时调用。详情看Callback.ExpLevelAddFunciton |
NativeCommand | 当玩家输入命令时调用。详情看Callback.NativeCommandFunciton |
PlayerAttack | occurs when player attacks some entity. See Callback.PlayerAttackFunction for details |
EntityInteract | occurs when player longclick some entity (interacts with it). See Callback.EntityInteractFunction for details |
ItemUseNoTarget | 当玩家对着空气使用物品时调用。详情看Callback.ItemUseNoTargetFunction |
ItemUsingReleased | occurs when player doesn't complete using item that has maximum use time set with Callback.Item.setMaxUseDuration funciton. See Callback.ItemUsingReleasedFunction for details |
ItemUsingComplete | when player completes using item that has maximum use time set with Callback.Item.setMaxUseDuration funciton. See Callback.ItemUsingCompleteFunction for details |
名字 | 描述 |
Explosion | occurs when something is exploded in the world. See Callback.ExplosionFunction for details |
EntityAdded | occurs when an entity is added in the world. See Callback.EntityAddedFunction for details |
EntityRemoved | occurs when an entity is removed from the world. See Callback.EntityRemovedFunction for details |
EntityDeath | occurs when an entity dies. See Callback.EntityDeathFunction for details |
EntityHurt | occurs when an entity is hurt. See Callback.EntityHurtFunction for details |
ProjectileHit | occurs when a projectile entity hits entity or block. See Callback.ProjectileHitFunction for details |
名字 | 描述 |
RedstoneSignal | occurs when redstone signal changes on the specified coordinates. To register block as redstone consumer, use Callback.Block.setRedstoneTile function. See Callback.RedstoneSignalFunction for details |
PopBlockResources | occurs when block is desroyed somehow (not by player). See Callback.PopBlockResourcesFunction for details |
CustomBlockTessellation | |
ItemIconOverride | occurs when displaying item somewhere to override item's icon. You can use it to change item's icon depending on some item state. See Callback.ItemIconOverrideFunction for details |
ItemNameOverride | occurs when displaying item name to override it. You can use it to display item charge, status, etc. See Callback.ItemNameOverrideFunction for details |
ItemDispensed | occurs when an item is dispenced using dispenser. See Callback.ItemDispensedFunction for details |
名字 | 描述 |
GenerateChunk | occurs when generating chunk in overworld. Shoud be used for all generation process. See Callback.GenerateChunkFunction for details |
GenerateChunkUnderground | occurs when generating chunk's underground in overworld. Can be used for all underground generation process (though it is OK to use "GenerateChunk" for it as well). See Callback.GenerateChunkFunction for details |
GenerateNetherChunk | occurs when generating chunk in neather world. See Callback.GenerateChunkFunction for details |
GenerateEndChunk | occurs when generating chunk in end world. See Callback.GenerateChunkFunction for details |
名字 | 描述 |
Callback.BlockChangedFunction | Function used in "BlockChanged" callback |
Callback.BuildBlockFunction | Function used in "BuildBlock" callback |
Callback.ContainerClosedFunction | Function used in "ContainerClosed" callback |
Callback.ContainerOpenedFunction | Function used in "ContainerOpened" callback |
Callback.CoreConfiguredFunction | Function used in "CoreConfigured" callback |
Callback.CraftRecipePreProvidedFunction | Function used in "CraftRecipePreProvided" callback |
Callback.CraftRecipeProvidedFunction | Function used in "CraftRecipeProvided" callback |
Callback.CustomWindowClosedFunction | Funciton used in "CustomWindowClosed" callback |
Callback.CustomWindowOpenedFunction | Funciton used in "CustomWindowOpened" callback |
Callback.DestroyBlockContinueFunction | Function used in "DestroyBlockContinue" callback |
Callback.DestroyBlockFunction | Function used in "DestroyBlock" and "DestroyBlockStart" callbacks |
Callback.DimensionLoadedFunction | Function used in "DimensionLoaded" callback |
Callback.EntityAddedFunction | Function used in "EntityAdded" callback |
Callback.EntityDeathFunction | Function used in "EntityDeath" callback |
Callback.EntityHurtFunction | Function used in "EntityHurt" callback |
Callback.EntityInteractFunction | Function used in "EntityInteract" callback |
Callback.EntityRemovedFunction | Function used in "EntityRemoved" callback |
Callback.ExpAddFunciton | Function used in "ExpAdd" callback |
Callback.ExpLevelAddFunciton | Function used in "ExpLevelAdd" callback |
Callback.ExplosionFunction | Function used in "Explosion" callback |
Callback.FoodEatenFunction | Function used in the "FoodEaten" callback. You can use Player.getCarriedItem to get info about food item |
Callback.GenerateChunkFunction | Function used in all generation callbacks |
Callback.ItemDispensedFunction | Function used in "ItemDispensed" callback |
Callback.ItemIconOverrideFunction | Function used in "ItemIconOverride" callback |
Callback.ItemNameOverrideFunction | Function used in "ItemNameOverride" callback |
Callback.ItemUseCoordinates | Object used in some callbacks for coordinate set with side information and relative coordinates set. Extended from BlockPosition by adding relative and accurate position. |
Callback.ItemUseFunction | Function used in "ItemUse" and "ItemUseLocalServer" callbacks |
Callback.ItemUseNoTargetFunction | Function used in "ItemUseNoTarget" callback |
Callback.ItemUsingCompleteFunction | Function used in "ItemUsingComplete" callback |
Callback.ItemUsingReleasedFunction | Function used in "ItemUsingReleased" callback |
Callback.LevelSelectedFunction | Function used in "LevelSelected" callback |
Callback.NativeCommandFunciton | Function used in "NativeCommand" callback |
Callback.NativeGuiChangedFunction | Function used in "NativeGuiChanged" callback |
Callback.PlayerAttackFunction | Function used in "PlayerAttack" callback |
Callback.PopBlockResourcesFunction | Funciton used in "PopBlockResources" callback |
Callback.ProjectileHitFunction | Function used in "ProjectileHit" callback |
Callback.ProjectileHitTarget | Object containing hit coordinates and information about hit entity/block |
Callback.RedstoneSignalFunction | Function used in "RedstoneSignal" callback |
Callback.SavesFunction | Function used in "ReadSaves" and "WriteSaves" callbacks |
Callback.VanillaWorkbenchCraftFunction | Function used in "VanillaWorkbenchCraft" and "VanillaWorkbenchPostCraft" callbacks |
Callback.VanillaWorkbenchRecipeSelectedFunction | Function used in "VanillaWorkbenchRecipeSelected" callback |
名字 | 描述 |
Callback.addCallback | Adds callback function for the specified callback name. Most of native events can be prevented using Game.prevent call. |
Callback.invokeCallback | Invokes callback with any name and up to 10 additional parameters. You should not generally call pre-defined callbacks until you really need to do so. If you want to trigger some event in your mode, use your own callback names |
Namespace used to manipulate minecraft commands
名字 | 描述 |
Commands.exec | Executes specified command |
Commands.execAt | Executes specified command using specified coordinates as command location for all relative calculations |
Defines some useful methods for debugging
名字 | 描述 |
Debug.addParticle | Spawns vanilla debug particle on the specified coordinates |
Debug.bitmap | Diaplays an AlertDialog with given title and bitmap |
Debug.error | Writes error debug message (in red) to the chat |
Debug.m | Writes several comma-separated values to the chat as a general debug message, serializing javascript objects if possible |
Debug.message | Writes general debug message (in green) to the chat |
Debug.sysTime | Returns current system time in milliseconds |
Debug.warning | Writes warning debug message (in gold) to the chat |
Namespace used to create and manipulate custom dimensions
名字 | 描述 |
Dimensions.CustomDimension | Class representing custom dimension |
Dimensions.CustomGenerator | Class representing landscape generator used for the dimension |
Dimensions.MonoBiomeTerrainGenerator | Class representing terrain that consists of single biome |
Dimensions.NoiseConversion | |
Dimensions.NoiseGenerator | |
Dimensions.NoiseLayer | |
Dimensions.NoiseOctave |
名字 | 描述 |
Dimensions.AbstractTerrainGenerator | |
Dimensions.TerrainLayer | Class representing single terrain layer that may consist of several noise layers |
Dimensions.TerrainMaterial |
名字 | 描述 |
Dimensions.getDimensionById | |
Dimensions.getDimensionByName | |
Dimensions.isLimboId | |
Dimensions.overrideGeneratorForVanillaDimension | Overrides default generator of vanilla dimension |
Dimensions.transfer | Transferes specified entity to the dimension with specified id |
Module used to manipulate entities (mobs, drop, arrows, etc.) in the world.Every entity has its unique numeric id which is often used across this module as the first function parameter
名字 | 描述 |
Entity.EntityHealth | Class used to manipulate entity's health[注 1] |
- ↑ deprecated: Consider using Entity.getHealth, Entity.setHealth, Entity.getMaxHealth and Entity.setMaxHealth instead
名字 | 描述 |
Entity.MoveParams | Interface used to specify how entity should move |
Entity.MovingVector | Interface used to return entity's current moving vector and some additional data |
名字 | 描述 |
Entity.addEffect | Adds an effect to the mob |
Entity.addPosition | Updates current entity position by specified coordinates |
Entity.addVelocity | Updates current entity's velocity by specified valus |
Entity.clearEffect | Clears an effect applied to the mob |
Entity.clearEffects | Clears all effects of the mob |
Entity.damageEntity | Damages entity |
Entity.findNearest | Retreives nearest to the coordinates entity of the specified entity type |
Entity.getAge | [注 1] |
Entity.getAll | |
Entity.getAllInRange | |
Entity.getAllJS | [注 2] |
Entity.getArmorSlot | |
Entity.getCarriedItem | |
Entity.getCustom | Returns custom entity object by its numeric entity id |
Entity.getDistanceBetweenCoords | |
Entity.getDistanceToCoords | |
Entity.getDistanceToEntity | |
Entity.getDroppedItem | Gets item from specified drop entity |
Entity.getExtra | [注 3] |
Entity.getExtraJson | [注 4] |
Entity.getHealth | |
Entity.getInventory | [注 5] |
Entity.getLookAngle | |
Entity.getLookAt | |
Entity.getLookVector | |
Entity.getLookVectorByAngle | Transforms look angle into look vector |
Entity.getMaxHealth | |
Entity.getMobile | |
Entity.getMovingAngle | Retrieves entity look angle in the form of pitch/yaw angle. No other information included to the resulting object |
Entity.getMovingAngleByPositions | [注 6] |
Entity.getMovingVector | Retrieves entity's current movement information |
Entity.getNameTag | |
Entity.getPosition | |
Entity.getProjectileItem | [注 7] |
Entity.getRender | |
Entity.getRider | |
Entity.getRiding | |
Entity.getSkin | [注 8] |
Entity.getSneaking | |
Entity.getTarget | [注 9] |
Entity.getType | |
Entity.getVelocity | |
Entity.getXZPlayerDis | |
Entity.healEntity | Adds specified health amount to the entity |
Entity.health | [注 10] |
Entity.isExist | |
Entity.lookAt | Sets entity look angle to look at specified coordinates |
Entity.lookAtCoords | Same as Entity.lookAt but uses Vector as param type |
Entity.moveToAngle | Makes entity move using pitch/yaw angle to determine direction |
Entity.moveToLook | Makes entity move towords its current look angle |
Entity.moveToTarget | Makes entity move to the target corodinates |
Entity.putExtra | [注 11] |
Entity.putExtraJson | [注 12] |
Entity.remove | Removes entity from the world |
Entity.rideAnimal | Makes rider ride entity |
Entity.setAge | [注 13] |
Entity.setArmorSlot | Sets armor slot contents for the entity |
Entity.setCarriedItem | Sets currena carried item for the entity |
Entity.setDroppedItem | Sets item to the specified drop entity |
Entity.setFire | Puts entity on fire |
Entity.setHealth | Sets entity's current health value |
Entity.setHitbox | Sets hitbox to the entity. Hitboxes define entities collisions |
Entity.setLookAngle | Sets specified pitch and yaw as look angle for the entity |
Entity.setMaxHealth | Sets entity's maximum health value |
Entity.setMobile | Sets entity's immobile state |
Entity.setNameTag | Sets custom entity tag. Custom entity tags are displayed above the entities and can be set by player using label |
Entity.setPosition | Sets the specified coordinates as a new position for the entity. No checks are performed |
Entity.setRender | Sets entity render type |
Entity.setSkin | Sets mob skin |
Entity.setSneaking | Sets entity's sneaking state |
Entity.setTarget | [注 14] |
Entity.setTexture | Sets mob skin, uses Texture object to support animations |
Entity.setVelocity | Set current entity's velocity using velocity vector |
Entity.spawn | Spawns vanilla entity on the specified coordinates |
Entity.spawnAtCoords | Same as Entity.spawn, but uses Vector object to represent coordinates |
Entity.spawnCustom | Spawns custom entity on the specified coords. Allows to pass some values to controllers via extra param |
Entity.spawnCustomAtCoords | Same as Entity.spawnCustom, but uses Vector object to represent coordinates |
- ↑ deprecated: No longer supported
- ↑ deprecated: Consider using Entity.getAll instead
- ↑ deprecated: No longer supported
- ↑ deprecated: No longer supported
- ↑ deprecated: No longer supported
- ↑ deprecated: No longer supported
- ↑ deprecated: No longer supported
- ↑ deprecated: No longer supported
- ↑ deprecated: No longer supported
- ↑ deprecated: Consider using Entity.getHealth, Entity.setHealth, Entity.getMaxHealth and Entity.setMaxHealth instead
- ↑ deprecated: No longer supported
- ↑ deprecated: No longer supported
- ↑ deprecated: No longer supported
- ↑ deprecated: No longer supported
A set of predefined entity AI types
名字 | 描述 |
EntityAI.Attack | Attack AI type, entity causes damage to the target entity |
EntityAI.Follow | Follow AI type, entity follows its target. Use another AI type to set target for this AI type |
EntityAI.Idle | Simple idle AI type, entity just does nothing |
EntityAI.Panic | Panic AI type, entity jsut rushes around |
EntityAI.PanicWatcher | Panic AI watcher type, controls entity panic behavior after getting hurt |
EntityAI.Swim | Swim AI type, if the entity is in water, it swims |
EntityAI.Wander | Wander AI type, entity walks around making pauses |
Module that provides methods to work with android file system
名字 | 描述 |
FileTools.mntdir | Defines path to android /mnt direcory |
FileTools.moddir | Defines mods folder path, ends with "/" |
FileTools.root | Defines user directory path, ends with "/" |
名字 | 描述 |
FileTools.GetListOfDirs | Lists children directories for the specified path |
FileTools.GetListOfFiles | Lists files in the specified directory |
FileTools.ReadBytesAsset | Reads bytes array from assets |
FileTools.ReadImage | Reads bitmap from file |
FileTools.ReadImageAsset | Reads bitmap from asset by its full name |
FileTools.ReadJSON | Reads file as JSON |
FileTools.ReadKeyValueFile | Reads file as key:value pairs |
FileTools.ReadText | Reads text from file |
FileTools.ReadTextAsset | Reads string from asset by its full name |
FileTools.WriteImage | Writes bitmap to png file |
FileTools.WriteJSON | Writes object to file as JSON |
FileTools.WriteKeyValueFile | Writes key:value pairs to the file |
FileTools.WriteText | Writes text to the file |
FileTools.getFullPath | Converts home-relative path to absolute |
FileTools.isExists | Verifies if specified home-relative or absolute path exists |
FileTools.mkdir | Creates directory by its home-relative or absolute path, if one of the parent directories doesn't exist, creates them |
FileTools.mkworkdirs | Creates CoreEngine working directories. Called by CoreEngine and should not be called by end user |
Module that provides some general game-related functions
名字 | 描述 |
Game.dialogMessage | Displays android AlertDialog with given message and dialog title |
Game.getDifficulty | |
Game.getEngineVersion | |
Game.getGameMode | |
Game.getMinecraftVersion | |
Game.message | Writes message to the chat. Message can be formatted using Native.ChatColor values |
Game.prevent | Prevents current callblack function from being called in Minecraft. For most callbacks it prevents default game behaviour |
Game.setDifficulty | Sets game difficulty, one of Native.GameDifficulty values |
Game.setGameMode | Sets current level game mode |
Game.tipMessage | Writes message above the hot bar. Message can be formatted using Native.ChatColor values |
Module used to simplify generation tasks in mods logic
名字 | 描述 |
GenerationUtils.canSeeSky | |
GenerationUtils.findHighSurface | Finds nearest to y=128 coordinate empty space on the specified x and z coordinates |
GenerationUtils.findLowSurface | Finds nearest to y=64 coordinate empty space on the specified x and z coordinates |
GenerationUtils.findSurface | Finds nearest to the specified y coordinate empty space on the specified x and z coordinates |
GenerationUtils.genMinable | Generates ore vein on the specified coordinates using specified params[注 1] |
GenerationUtils.generateOre | Generates ore vein on the specified coordinates |
GenerationUtils.isTerrainBlock | |
GenerationUtils.isTransparentBlock | |
GenerationUtils.lockInBlock | |
GenerationUtils.randomCoords | Generates random coordinates inside specified chunk |
GenerationUtils.randomXZ | Generates random x and z coordinates inside specified chunk |
GenerationUtils.setLockedBlock |
- ↑ deprecated: Consider using GenerationUtils.generateOre instead
名字 | 描述 |
IDData.block | |
IDData.item |
Module used to define items and their properties
名字 | 描述 |
Item.NativeItem |
名字 | 描述 |
Item.TextureData |
名字 | 描述 |
Item.addRepairItemIds | Specifies what items can be used to repair this item in the envil |
Item.addToCreative | Adds item to creative inventory |
Item.createArmorItem | Creates armor item using specified parameters |
Item.createFoodItem | Creates eatable item using specified parameters |
Item.createFuelItem | [注 1] |
Item.createItem | Creates new item using specified parameters |
Item.createThrowableItem | Creates throwable item using specified parameters |
Item.describeItem | Applies several properties via one method call[注 2] |
Item.getItemById | Gets NativeItem instance that can be used to apply some properties to the item |
Item.getMaxDamage | |
Item.getMaxStack | |
Item.getName | |
Item.getNumericId | |
Item.isNativeItem | |
Item.isValid | |
Item.registerDispenseFunction | Registers function to be called when item is dispensed from dispenser. |
Item.registerIconOverrideFunction | Registers item id as requiring item icon override and registers function to perform such an override |
Item.registerNameOverrideFunction | Registers function to perform item name override |
Item.registerNoTargetUseFunction | Registers function to be called when player uses item in the air (not on the block) |
Item.registerThrowableFunction | Registers function that is called when throwable item with specified id hits block or entity |
Item.registerThrowableFunctionForID | Same as Item.registerThrowableFunction, but supports numeric ids only |
Item.registerUseFunction | Registers function that is called when user touches some block in the world with specified item |
Item.registerUseFunctionForID | Same as Item.registerUseFunction, but supports numeric ids only |
Item.registerUsingCompleteFunction | Registers function to be called when player completes using item that has maximum use time set with Item.setMaxUseDuration funciton |
Item.registerUsingReleasedFunction | Registers function to be called when player doesn't complete using item that has maximum use time set with Item.setMaxUseDuration funciton. Vanilla bow uses this function with max use duration of 72000 ticks |
Item.setCategory | Sets item creative category |
Item.setEnchantType | Specifies how the item can be enchanted |
Item.setGlint | Sets item as glint (like enchanted tools or golden apple) |
Item.setLiquidClip | |
Item.setMaxDamage | Sets item maximum data value |
Item.setMaxUseDuration | Limits maximum use duration. This is useful to create such items as bows |
Item.setProperties | Sets additional properties for the item, uses Minecraft mechanisms to set them. Full list of properties is currently unavailable |
Item.setPrototype | [注 3] |
Item.setStackedByData | [注 4] |
Item.setToolRender | Specifies how the player should hold the item |
Item.setUseAnimation | Sets animation type for the item |
- ↑ deprecated: Use Item.createItem and RecipeRegistry.addFurnaceFuel instead
- ↑ deprecated: Consider using appropiate setters instead
- ↑ deprecated: Should not be used in new mods, consider using Item properties setters instead
- ↑ deprecated: No longer supported
- LiquidRegistry
- Logger - Module used to log messages to Inner Core log and android log
- MobRegistry
- MobSpawnRegistry
- ModAPI - Module used to share mods' APIs
- Native - Module containing enums that can make user code more readable
- Particles
- Player - Module used to manipulate player. Player is also an entity in Minecraft, so you can use all the functions from Entity module as well. To get player's entity id, call Player.get function
- Recipes
- Saver - Module used to save data between world sessions
- Threading - Module used to create and manipulate threads. Threads let you execute time-consuming tasks without blocking current execution thread
- ToolAPI - Module used to manage block and tools material and create tools with allrequired properties
- Translation - Module that can be used to localize modsAll default strings (e.g. item names, windows titles, etc.) in the mod should be in English. Add translations to theese strings using Translation.addTranslation. For items and blocks translations are applied automatically. For the other strings, use Translation.translate
- UI
- Updatable - Module used to create and manage Updatables. Updatables provide the properway to manage objects that update their state every tick. Updatables may not be notified every tick, if there are too many, to avoid user interface freezes
- World - Module that allows to work with current Minecraft world
- VanillaBlockID - Numeric IDs of vanilla blocks in the inventory
- VanillaItemID - Numeric IDs of vanilla items
- VanillaTileID - Numeric IDs of vanilla blocks placed in the world
- Config - Json configuration file reading/writing utility
- CustomEntity
- EntityAIClass - Class used to create new entity AI types
- ItemExtra - Class representing item extra data
- Model
- ModelPart
- NativeTileEntity
- Render - Class that is used to give mobs, animations and blocks custom shape.
- Texture
- TileEntity - Class representing TileEntity in the worlds
- BlockPosition - Object representing coordinate set with side data
- Color - Object representing RGB color
- ItemInstance - Object representing item instance in the inventory
- LookAngle - Object representing pitch/yaw angle set
- PartObject
- PartParameters - An interface of the object that is used as Render.addPart parameter
- RenderParameters - An interface of the object that is used as Render.constructor parameter
- Tile - Object representing block in the world
- Updatable - Updatable is an object that is notified every tick via its Updatable.update method call
- Vector - Object representing the set of coordinates in the three-dimensional world
- Weather - Object representing current weather in the world
Type aliases[编辑]
- ItemInstanceArray - Array of theee elements representing item id, count and data respectively. Used in many old functions and when extra data is not required
- jarray - Generic type used to mark Java arrays of type T
- jbyte - Type used to mark Java bytes
- jobject - Generic type used to mark Java objects
- BlockID
- ItemID
- __config__ - Main mod configuration manager, settings are stored in config.json file
- __dir__ - Full path to the mod's directory, ends with "/"
- __mod__ - Java object of the mod, contains some useful values and methonds
- __name__ - Mod name
- __packdir__ - Full path to current Horizon pack directory
- EntityAIWatcher
- EntityModel
- EntityModelWatcher
- GameObject
- ItemExtraData
- RenderMesh
- __debug_typecheck__
- alert
- getCoreAPILevel
- getMCPEVersion
- importLib
- runCustomSource
- runOnMainThread